The DevOps Test UI toolbar

This topic describes all the buttons on the HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) toolbar.

The Test UI toolbar has the following buttons:

New button New -- Displays the appropriate dialog that enables you to create a new project, Functional Test project, to record a Functional Test script, Functional Test empty script, to create a test folder, test dataset, test object map, or helper superclass. Click to display the New dialog or click View New button menu to display the list of items to create.

Save button Save -- Saves any changes you made to the script currently displayed in the Java Editor. For information, see Saving Functional Test Scripts and Files.

Print button Print -- Displays the Print , which enables you to print the current script.

Create a Functional Test Project button Create a Functional Test Project -- Displays the Create a Functional Test project dialog, which enables you to generate a new project.

Connect to an existing Functional Test Project button Connect to an existing Functional Test Project -- Displays the Connect to a Functional Test project dialog, which enables you to specify the project you want to use and its location. You must first connect to an existing Functional Test project before you can use it.

Create an Empty Functional Test Script button Create an Empty Functional Test Script -- Displays the Create an empty Functional Test script dialog, which enables you to create a script you can use to add Java code.

Create a Test Object Map button Create a Test Object Map -- Displays the Create a Test Object Map dialog, which enables you to Creating a new test object map to a project.

Create a Test dataset button Create a Test dataset -- Displays the Create New Test dataset dialog, which enables you to create a new test dataset.

Create a Test Folder button Create a Test Folder -- Displays the Create a New Functional Test Test Folder dialog, which enables you to create a new folder either for the project or for an existing folder.

Record a Functional Test Script button Record a Functional Test Script -- Displays the Record a Functional Test script dialog, which enables you to enter information about the new script and start recording.

Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script -- Starts recording at the cursor location in the current script, which enables you to start applications, insert verification points, and add script support functions.

Run a Functional Test Script button Run Functional Test Script -- Plays back the Functional Test script currently displayed in the Java Editor. Click to begin program execution at method Main in the current script or click View Run Functional Test Script button menu to display the list of scripts to run. Note: Since method Main is not in Functional Test user scripts, you will receive an error if you select Run > Java Application. For information, see Running Scripts.

Debug Functional Test Script button Debug Functional Test Script -- Launches the current script and displays the Debug Perspective, which provides information as the script debugs. Click to begin debugging at method Main in the current script or click View Debug Functional Test Script button menu to display the list of scripts to debug. Note: Since method Main is not in Functional Test user scripts, you will receive an error if you select Debug > Java Application. For information, see Debugging Scripts.

Configure Applications for Testing button Configure Applications for Testing -- Displays the Application Configuration Tool, which enables you to add and edit configuration information -- such as name, path, and other information that the product uses to start and run the application -- for the Java and HTML applications you want to test.

Enable Environments for Testing button Enable Environments for Testing -- Displays the Enable Java Environments (JRE)/Web Browsers/Eclipse Platforms for Testing dialog, which you use to enable Java environments and browsers and to configure your JREs and browsers.

Open Test Object Inspector button Open Test Object Inspector -- Displays the Test Object Inspector tool, which enables you to display test object information, such as parent hierarchy, inheritance hierarchy, test object properties, nonvalue properties, and method information.

Insert Verification Point into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Verification Point into Active Functional Test Script -- Displays the Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action wizard, which enables you to select an object in your application you want to perform a test on.

Insert Test Object into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Test Object into Active Functional Test Script -- Displays the Select an Object dialog, which enables you to select test objects to Adding a test object to an object map and a script.

Insert Data Driven Commands into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Data Driven Commands into Active Functional Test Script -- Displays the Data Drive Actions page of the dataset Population Wizard, which enables you to select the objects in an application-under-test to data-drive an application.

Find Literals and Replace with dataset Reference button Find Literals and Replace with dataset Reference -- Replaces literal values with a dataset reference in a test script, which enables you to add realistic data to an existing test script.

External Tools button External Tools -- Enables you to run or configure an external tool that is not part of Workbench. Click to create, manage, and run configurations or click View External Tools button menu to display the list of external tools to run or configure. For information, see the online Workbench User Guide.

Search button Search -- Displays the Search dialog, which enables you to search for text or Java code.

Last Edit Location button Last Edit Location -- Navigates to the previous location where you edited the script.

Back button Back -- Navigates to the previous file you viewed. Click to navigate to the previous file you viewed or click View Back button menu to display the list of files to navigate backward.

Forward button Forward -- Navigates to the next file you viewed. Click to navigate to the next file you viewed or click View Forward button menu to display the list of files to navigate forward.