Enabling data source access for the JDBC adapters in Software AG webMethods Integration Server

In Software AG webMethods Integration Server, a container obtains the location of the data source by an internal lookup that happens outside of the regular JNDI interfaces. Therefore, specifying alternate connections is not possible. To overcome this problem, augment the configuration with additional properties where applicable.

About this task

The process of configuring the JDBC adapter in Software AG webMethods Integration Server has the following steps:
  • Load the HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) data source driver by changing the class of the data source implementation to com.greenhat.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource.
  • Specify the existing value in the dataSourceClass property so that it can access the underlying implementation source.


  1. In webMethods Integration Server Administrator console, under the Adapters box, click JDBC Adapter. The View Connection dialog box opens.
  2. Disable the existing data source.
  3. Copy the value set in the DataSource Class field. You will use this value in Step 5 .
  4. Set DataSource Class to com.greenhat.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource.
  5. Add the following name-value pairs to the Other Properties field:
    • dataSourceClass=The value that you copied in Step 3 - for example, dataSourceClass=oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
    • liveDatabaseURL=The URL of the Test Integrations and APIs physical resource - for example, liveDatabaseURL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE.
    Note: Ensure that the field does not have any liveJNDIName property set.
  6. Optional: To connect to a virtual database instance, add the following name-value pairs to the Other Properties field: virtualDBProperties=databaseName=gh|user=gh|password=gh. You can use any data source property supported by Oracle or Microsoft SQL providers.
    Note: Format the values as name=value pairs separated by "|" (vertical pipe symbol).
  7. Enable the data source.
  8. Verify that the configuration works as expected.


You can record, create, edit, or run stubs and implement virtualization with the built-in database.