Testing with Software AG Universal Messaging

You can use HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) API to test Software AG Universal Messaging Broker server resources. From Test Integrations and APIs 10.0.2 or later, you can create Software AG Universal Messaging Broker transports, configure and run Test Integrations and APIs with the Software AG Universal Messaging server.

Software requirements

To use Software AG Universal Messaging with Test Integrations and APIs, you must install Software AG Universal Messaging server 10.3.

For more information about Software AG Universal Messaging, see the Software AG Universal Messaging website.


When you want to use Test Integrations and APIs to test Software AG CentraSite, Software AG Universal Messaging, or Software AG webMethods, you must only use the Java 8-based JAR files by using Library Manager.


Before you can start testing Software AG Universal Messaging broker transport in Test Integrations and APIs, you must create a logical Universal Messaging connection in the Architecture School perspective for the Software AG Universal Messaging Broker transport.

You must create the physical resource for the logical transport connection.

You must configure the Software AG UM Broker transport.

You can set up a Service Component or an Operation that uses Software AG Universal Messaging as the physical transport before you can create tests or stubs. The service component and operation are used as a shortcut to create stubs and tests by using MEP templates. But they can also be created from scratch.

Create a test and add Publish, Subscribe, Request and Reply actions.

You can specify the stubbing settings for the Software AG Universal Messaging transport.

You can record events for the Software AG Universal Messaging transport.