Testing databases that are in a Kubernetes cluster

After you set up a Kubernetes cluster, you can use HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) to test the databases that are in a Kubernetes cluster and are not exposed through an ingress gateway to external clients.

When you set up a Kubernetes cluster that contains databases, you can use Test Integrations and APIs to test the database resources contained in the Kubernetes cluster. Test Integrations and APIs supports testing of the database resources that provide connectivity through the JDBC specification.


You must have completed the setting up of a Kubernetes cluster in your IT infrastructure and ensured that you have set up any database that supports JDBC specification in the Kubernetes cluster.

You must have set up the physical connection with a Kubernetes cluster. See Configuring a physical connection to a Kubernetes cluster.

Task flow for testing databases in a Kubernetes cluster

You can find information about the tasks that you can follow to test databases in a Kubernetes cluster.

Task Go to...
Create a logical database resource in your project. Creating a logical database resource
Create a physical database resource in your project and configure it with the details of the database you set up in a Kubernetes cluster. Creating a physical database resource