Managing credentials

If you have external resources that must be accessed by project or test resources in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) and you do not want to expose the credentials used to access the external resources, then you can implement a user-defined access in a credential management system.

When you set up external servers that provide the application for testing in Test Integrations and APIs.

For example, when you want to test an email application that uses an external mail server. You will need to provide the username and password credentials in the project so that Test Integrations and APIs will be able to connect and establish an authenticated connection with the mail server.

In such situations, you might not want the credentials that are used to connect to these external resources to be exposed to others who use the same resources in their testing projects. At times, the credentials are also displayed as plain text in the logs.

Test Integrations and APIs is enhanced to provide you the ability to implement a user-defined access in a credential management system that ensures that your credentials are not displayed in any of the UI screens or in the logs. This system also does not allow the credentials to be shared with other users of Test Integrations and APIs.

Overview of tasks

You can find the tasks that you can perform for setting up the credential management system.

Implement the following Java interfaces:
See Implementing Java interfaces.
Create a custom plugins and the extension in the plugin must point to com.ghc.passwordProvider. See Creating a custom plugin.
Package the custom interfaces as an OSGI package.
Place the executable JAR file in the Functions folder under the project folder on your computer.
For example, if your project is named as MyProject and is saved in C:\, then the JAR file must be placed in the path as follows:

Sample Java interfaces

A sample of the Java interfaces and the plugin are provided for reference in the installation package. You can find the samples in the following path when you install Test Integrations and APIs on a Windows computer:
For example,
C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOpsTestAPI\examples\PasswordSampleExtension
Important: The example interfaces and other files provided in the installation package are only for reference and must not be used as-is. You must implement the Java interfaces and build the executable JAR for your specific requirements.