What's new

This page provides a summary of enhancements and bug fixes for version 7.3.2.x.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Updated Tomcat to 9.0.x

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.
Agent temp file permissions are not changed if not impersonating
Updated the agent so that if it is not impersonating (i.e. it has no impersonation token), it does not modify the permissions of the directory or its files.
This release contains the following bug fixes:
Issue description Impacts version
Sorting is not working correctly in the Changes tab
When creating an application from template, the top-level resource is created with the wrong mappings
In zsearch screen application, selection doesn't have an impact on the environment drop-down

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Changed the default MySQL JDBC driver from 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' to 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'
Removed the Is Inherited and Description columns from the agent properties table
Updated resource CLI to allow setting team mappings and inheritTeam flags like other create/update APIs
This release contains the following bug fixes:
Issue description Impacts version
For French locales, the string "Search" from z/OS search is not translated. 7.3.1
Add missing translations for the PipelineCLIResource. 7.3.0
Unable to send webhook notification for Microsoft Teams. 7.3.1
The verbiage in the alert pop-up window of z/OS search report is incorrect. 7.3.1
User is able to deploy an application without giving value to the required component process property.
Cannot change the codestation.keystore password on a relay.


Version 7.3.2 is a major release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Users can submit new deployments while in maintenance mode
A role-level security permission is added that enable users to run deployments even when maintenance mode is enabled.
See documentation Setting server configuration security.
Split agent properties into versioned and non-versioned properties
Properties that users define (or versioned properties) are separated and available from the User Defined Properties page in the web UI.
See documentation Setting agent properties.
Added custom claims in an OpenConnect ID authentication realm
Users can specify optional attributes to pull email and actual names when configuring an OpenConnect ID authentication realm.
See documentation Creating authentication realms.
Included generic process history cleanup setting
Generic processes history that are run manually are cleaned up based on the system settings.
See documentation Cleaning up generic process history files.
Expanded the set of team-type mappings for creating objects
To create an object, the user must have at least the "Create" permission for each team from the requested mappings. If the user is granted both "Create" and "Manage Teams" from a single security type in each team, and there is at least one requested mapping that allows "Manage Teams" in that team, then the object can also be created with all other types for that team, even if the "Create" permission is for the same team. If the user is not granted both permissions as described, then the requested mappings must only include types that grant the "Create" permission for that team. Otherwise, the creation is denied.
See documentation Mapping teams to objects.
Added the Create with team assignment permission
A role-level permission is added that enables users to add additional team mappings to an object on creation if they include one team for which they have create permission.
See documentation Assigning teams to objects.
Introduced deployment properties mapping with the configuration property sheet
This feature helps when you debug deployment failures and to identify issues in the related property sheet.
Enhanced diagnostics bundle
Updated the diagnostics bundle to include system settings.
See documentation Viewing logs.
System settings changes for deletion of base resources when deleting environment
The legacy system setting Enable Deleting Resources Directly From Environments is required for users to delete attached resources when deleting an environment.
See documentation Server settings.
Added z/OS component-version property that indicates repository type
The ucd.repository.type z/OS component version property accepts values as HFS and Codestation.
See documentation Creating z/OS component versions from JCL.
Added the following CLI commands for read and write resource role properties
See documentation: