Updating the contents of a snapshot view on Linux and UNIX

You use the cleartool update to update the elements in your snapshot view directory. The command specifies the view path and not the view tag.

Try it!

This exercise guides you in creating a snapshot view snapview and in updating it with the cleartool update command.

  1. Create the snapshot view snap by typing this command:

    ct mkview -snapshot -tag snapview /var/tmp/your-username_snapview.vws

  2. Update the snapshot view by typing this command:

    ct update /var/tmp/your-usename_snapview.vws

    The system's response is similar to the following:

Log has been written to 

By default, DevOps Code ClearCase® records any update information in a log file located in the directory of your snapview view. Each update is recorded in a separate log file that lists the date and time the update occurred.
  1. View the content of the update log file by typing this command:

    more /var/tmp/your-username_snapview.vws/update.date-and-time.updt