Roadmap for project managers

Project managers
Windows, Linux, UNIX
UCM, base ClearCase®
DevOps Code ClearCase

This roadmap identifies the modules that address the needs of project managers.

As used in the context of DevOps Code ClearCase, project managers are individuals who manage a team of developers, content providers, and other individual contributors who all use DevOps Code ClearCase.

The tutorial roadmap has two tracks:

  • The UCM track identifies the modules to read if you are using the UCM process.
  • The base ClearCase track identifies the modules to read if you are using base ClearCase.

We suggest that you print a copy of this page and use it as a means to keep track of the modules you have completed.

Module UCM Base ClearCase Check when completed
Introduction x x
Documentation and learning resources x x
Workflow in ClearCase projects x x
Working in the DevOps ClearCase Explorer x x
Working at the command line x x
Creating VOBs x
Setting up a UCM project x
Mounting and unmounting VOBs x x
Working with views x x
Controlling the contents of views x
Checking files in and out x x
Working with baselines x
Working with branches x