Preparing to create a view using DevOps Code ClearCase (Windows)

To enable you to create a view in this tutorial, you need access to a VOB. The following steps guide you in creating a VOB on your computer so that you can then practice creating a view.

Create a local VOB as follows:

  1. Start the VOB Creation Wizard:

    Click Start > DevOps Code ClearCase > Administration > Create VOB.

  2. On the Name and Major Parameters page, perform the following steps:
    1. Type a VOB name in the following format: your-username_viewsmod_vob
    2. Ensure that the options This VOB will contain UCM components and Create as a UCM Project VOB are cleared.
    3. Click Next.
  3. Click OK if a message box appears indicating that there are no recommended storage paths currently registered.
  4. On the Storage page, click Browse and navigate to the cc-tut folder on your computer.
  5. Click OK. The path now is similar to the following: \\computer-name\cc-tut\your-username_viewsmod_vob.vws.
  6. Click Next.
  7. For the project VOB, select none in the drop-down box.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Click OK.

You now have a VOB for practicing the exercises in this module.