Creating a Directory Structure on Linux and UNIX

To create a directory structure on Linux or UNIX, your integration view must be set to an activity. In the section Creating and Setting UCM Activities (Linux and UNIX) you create an activity "create_directories" and this activity is used when creating the directory structure for the denali_release project.

Try it!

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the your-username_elements_vob VOB, which is /var/tmp/, by typing this command:

    cd /var/tmp/

  2. Check out the your-username_elements_vob directory using the cleartool checkout command:

    cleartool co -co "Creating directory structure" your-username_elements_vob

    co is the short form of the checkout command.

    -co is the short form of the -comment option.

    The system's response is similar to the following:

    Created branch "denali_release_integration" from 
    "fhembert_element_vob" version "/main/denali_release_integration/0"
    Checked Out "fhembert_element_vob" from version 
    Attached activities:
    "Create Directories"
  3. Go to the your-username_elements_vob directory using the cd command:

    cd your-username_elements_vob

  4. You are now going to create a directory named design using the cleartool mkelem command. Type the following:

    cleartool mkelem -co "Prototype directory" -eltype directory design

    The mkelem command creates an element.

    The -eltype option, meaning element type, specifies that the element to be created is a directory.

    design is the name of the directory to be created.

    The system's response is similar to the following:

    Created element "design" (type "directory")
    Created branch "denali_release_integration" from "design" version "/main/0".
    Checked out "design" from version 
    Attached activities:
    "Create Directories"

    ClearCase® leaves the directories checked out, so you need to check them in.

  5. Check in the design directory using the cleartool checkin command:

    cleartool checkin -nc design

  6. Navigate to the your-username_element_vob directory by moving up one level:

    cd ..

  7. Now check in the root directory:

    cleartool checkin -nc your-username_element_vob

Where Am I?

So far, you have completed the following tasks:

  • Created a PVOB.
  • Created a component to store the project baseline.
  • Created a component for storing the project's elements.
  • Created the UCM project.
  • Created a view to see the elements in the integration stream.
  • Linux and UNIX users created and set a UCM activity.
  • Created a directory structure and added it to ClearCase source control.

Your next, and final, task is to define an integration baseline so that UCM developers can join the UCM project.