
The Merge Manager window displays information in discrete columns about elements that meet the merge criteria. Each line of the display concerns one element.

Required columns

Two columns are always displayed: an icon and an element name.

  • Icon

    To the left of the Element Name field, one of the following icons appears to indicate the status of the latest DevOps Code ClearCase® operation performed on that element.

    From left to right, a blue circle with a white lowercase letter i; a yellow circle with a black exclamation (!) character; and a red circle with a white letter x.

    Blue circle with i
    Information. A success status was returned.
    Yellow circle with exclamation (!)
    Warning. An advisory status was returned.
    Red circle with x
    Error. A condition occurs that prevents the element from being merged. For example, a lock on a resource such as a VOB was encountered. Perform a recovery action to continue. See the element log for error details, save the current merge state, perform the recovery action, and retrieve the merge that you saved to continue beyond the error.

    Each icon corresponds to a status of the latest message returned to the Merge Manager and recorded in the element log.

    To view a message for a particular element, select Element Log from the pop-up menu for the element. On the Windows system, you can also double-click the element name.

  • Element name

    Right-click an element entry to open the pop-up menu for the Merge Manager.

Optional columns

The following columns of information are optionally displayed:

  • Type of element
  • Merge type
  • Merged
  • Checked out
  • From user
  • Base version
  • Source version
  • (In a replicated VOB only) Mastership