To perform DevOps Code ClearCase operations on elements listed in Find Checkouts

About this task

You can perform DevOps Code ClearCase operations on an element listed in the Find Checkouts window.


In the Find Checkouts window, do either of the following commands.
  • Select an entry in the list and click Tools and one of the available commands.
  • Right-click an entry in the list and click one of the available commands.


The following commands can be available.

Check In
Adds a new version to a file or folder element that you previously checked out.
Undo Checkout
Cancels a checkout, returning the element to the state it was in before you checked it out.
Changes an unreserved checkout to a reserved checkout.

A reserved checkout gives you the exclusive right to check in the element when you are finished. With an unreserved checkout, you may need to merge your changes when you check in if someone else checked in the same element before you did.

Changes a reserved checkout to an unreserved checkout.

A reserved checkout gives you the exclusive right to check in the element when you are finished. With an unreserved checkout, you may need to merge your changes when you check in if someone else checked in the same element before you did.

Compare with Previous Version
Starts the Diff Merge tool, which you can use to examine the differences between the version you selected and its immediate predecessor.
Opens the History Browser, which shows the event records for the selected element. Each event record contains information about an operation (such as checkin) that changed the element.
Version Tree
Runs the Version Tree Browser to show a graphical representation of the relationships among the selected element versions.
Opens a DevOps Code ClearCase Property Browser, which provides information about the selected element. Depending on the type of the object, the property window can have pages that describe features such as metadata, locks, or user preferences.
Request Branch Mastership
(Available only for nonmastered checkouts on branches that are not associated with UCM streams.) Requests control (mastership) of the checked-out branch from the VOB replica that masters it. To check in a version on a branch, your current VOB replica must master the branch (shortcut menu only).
Send to
(Pop-up menu only) Runs the selected program with the selected checked-out version as input.