To find and set activities from the Rational ClearQuest client

About this task

Tip: Use this procedure only if your project manager enables the project to use Rational® ClearQuest®.


  1. Use a Rational ClearQuest query to find activities. For example, to use MyToDoList, do the following:
    1. In a shell, type clearquest, or (on Windows systems only) click Start > Programs > IBM Rational > IBM Rational ClearQuest > ClearQuest.
    2. In Rational ClearQuest, in the left pane, double-click Workspace > Public Queries > UCMUserQueries > MyToDoList.
    Rational ClearQuest Your to-do list is displayed in the Query builder pane of Rational ClearQuest.
  2. To arrange the list by information displayed in a column, right-click the column heading and choose a sort order from the shortcut menu. For example, to arrange activities alphabetically, right-click Headline (the heading of the first column) and, from the pop-up menu, select Sort Ascending.
  3. Select an activity.
    The record details are displayed in the Record form pane of Rational ClearQuest.
  4. In the Record form pane, if it is not already selected, choose your project in the UCM Project list. (Your project manager determines the location for this list while creating the corresponding record type.)
  5. Click Actions > WorkOn.
  6. In the Select View window, select Show Only My Streams.
  7. Click + (the plus sign) next to your stream; then select your development view and click OK.


The status bar in Rational ClearQuest indicates that your view is being set to the activity.