To associate a checkout with a ClearQuest entity

About this task

In the base ClearCase® integration with ClearQuest®, if you use the modified cleartool command line interface and are required to associate versions with change requests, use the options to enter change-request IDs as follows:

  • Use the QUERY option to see a list of all open change-request IDs currently assigned to you and select one or more items from the list to make associations.
  • Use the TYPEIN option to enter one or more change-request IDs with which to associate the version that you are checking out.
  • Use the REVIEW option to list and possibly delete current associations.
  • If the association is optional and you do not want to specify a change request, enter the OK option and click Yes (clearprompt) or press RETURN (text menu).
  • To cancel the checkout operation, use the CANCEL option or click Abort.
  • To display help text, use the HELP option.

After you specify your options, use the OK option to create or update the associations that you specified and complete the checkout operation.