About testing your development work area after a rebase operation

After your stream configuration is changed and any needed merges are completed during a rebase operation, verify that any undelivered work builds successfully with the versions in the new baseline by initiating a test build in your development view.

If your organization uses clearmake, or omake on the Windows® system, you can use these DevOps Code ClearCase® build tools for your builds; however, the build auditing and build avoidance features are available only from dynamic views.

For more information, see the DevOps Code ClearCase Guide to Building Software and the clearmake or omake reference pages in the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference.

You may also need to perform the following tasks:

  • Check out elements
  • Undo a rebase operation

Checking out elements

In the process of building and testing, you may need to check out elements in your development view and modify them. During a rebase operation, an integration activity is created to record any modifications that you make.

Tip: Postpone checking in your modifications until you complete the rebase operation. Checking in complicates efforts to undo the rebase operation, if you find it necessary to do so.