Constructing a query input file

To submit an impact analysis query using remote build, you need a query input file. This input file is passed to BCCIAQRY in your remote build request.

About this task

Query input for a remote build impact analysis query request is passed to BCCIAQRY using a text file. The content and format of this file are shown in the following example. The query input file has two parts:
  • A configuration section specifying the impact analysis high-level qualifier (IAHLQ) and the query type (TYPE=). For more information about the impact analysis high-level qualifier, see Sample JCL to allocate the impact analysis data set.
  • A query input section.

The content of the query input section varies according to the query type. The following table lists valid query types, their function, the input needed for the query type, and an example of valid input for the query type.

Table 1. Impact analysis query types
TYPE= Function Input Input example
INC_SRC Returns all source code files that are dependent on a given COPY, INCLUDE, or MACRO file. A list of COBOL copy books, PL/I include files, or assembler macro libraries in two-column format: PDS name and member name.
INC_CPY Returns all the COPY, INCLUDE, or MACRO files on which a given source code file is dependent. A list of COBOL, PL/I, or assembler source file names in two-column format: PDS name and member name.
XCALL_SRC Returns all the source code files that refer to a given externally visible symbol name. A list of externally visible symbols.
XCALL_SYM Returns all the external entry points to which a given source code file has references, including the ones it defines. A list of COBOL, PL/I, or assembler source files in two-column format: PDS name and member name.