
Copies registry files and client list from primary registry server host to backup registry server host



Command type










By default, the ClearCase scheduler runs rgy_backup periodically. For information about describing and changing scheduled jobs, see the schedule reference page.

When it runs on a host that is not a backup registry host, rgy_backup checks the backup server configuration and exits. When it runs on a backup registry server host, rgy_backup takes two snapshots:

  • ClearCase registry files on the primary registry server host.
  • Primary registry host's client list, which is maintained by the registry server host.

rgy_backup stores these snapshot files in the directory /var/adm/devops/clearcase/rgy/backup (UNIX and Linux) or ccase-home-dir\var\rgy\backup (Windows) on the backup registry server host. rgy_backup removes files older than 96 hours.

rgy_backup names the snapshot file after the original file and appends a time stamp to the file name.

  • On UNIX and Linux, rgy_backup also creates a symbolic link, with the same name as the original file, that points to the snapshot file. For example, for registry file vob_tag, rgy_backup creates in the backup directory:
    • vob_tag .2007-07-17T18:30:15
    • A symbolic link named vob_tag that points to vob_tag .2007-07-17T18:30:15
  • On Windows, rgy_backup names the snapshot file after the original file and appends a time stamp to the file name. rgy_backup also creates a file, with the same name as the original file, that contains the full, time-stamp-extended name of the most recent snapshot file. For example, for registry file vob_tag, rgy_backup creates in the backup directory:
    • vob_tag.2007-07-17T18:30:15
    • A file named vob_tag that contains the string vob_tag.2007-07-17T18:30:15

If the primary registry server fails, you can run rgy_switchover to activate the backup registry server and reset all client hosts accordingly. The backup server must be running the same release of ClearCase as that running on the primary server.

rgy_backup logs its snapshot activity in the file rgy_backup_log on UNIX and Linux or the Windows event log.

Designating a backup registry host

The backup registry host is typically specified as a site default during the site preparation process. Unless overridden by the user, this default is applied when ClearCase is installed on a host. Procedures for changing the backup registry host are different for Windows, Linux, and UNIX systems.

UNIX and Linux systems only—Changing the backup registry host

Each ClearCase host has a text file, /var/adm/devops/clearcase/config/rgy_hosts.conf. The name of the primary registry server host appears on the first line, and the name of the backup registry server host appears on the second line. For example, the following rgy_hosts.conf file names mercury as the primary registry server host and venus as the backup registry server host:

% cat/var/adm/devops/clearcase/config/rgy_hosts.conf

Windows systems only—Changing the backup registry host

The Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\RegBackup contains the name of the backup registry server host (or the string Unknown, if no backup host has been designated). You can change this key value on the Registry tab in the ClearCase Control Panel.

Typically, a backup registry server host is specified for each client when ClearCase is installed (although designating the backup registry host is not part of the installation procedure itself).

Changing the backup registry server host

To change the backup registry server host:

  1. Modify the rgy_hosts.conf file on the intended backup registry server to include the host name of the backup registry server as the second line of the file.
  2. Execute rgy_backup on the backup registry server. After you do this, the backup registry server will include current registry information, which it requires to assume the role of the primary registry server.
  3. Modify the rgy_hosts.conf file on each client to be served by the backup registry server, so that the second line of the file contains the host name of the backup registry server.

The next time rgy_backup runs, the primary registry server host updates the name of the backup registry server for all its clients.

Do not designate a backup registry host that is unsuitable to serve as primary registry server host.

If your site uses multiple ClearCase registries, you cannot configure one primary registry server as the backup server for a different registry.


You must have write permission to the directory /var/adm/devops/clearcase/rgy (UNIX and Linux) or ccase-home-dir\var\rgy (Windows).

Options and arguments



On a backup registry host, take a snapshot of the ClearCase registry files manually.


UNIX and Linux files

  • /var/adm/devops/clearcase/rgy/*
  • /var/adm/devops/clearcase/rgy/backup/*
  • /var/adm/devops/clearcase/config/rgy_hosts.conf
  • /var/adm/devops/clearcase/config/rgy_svr.conf
  • /var/adm/devops/clearcase/log/rgy_backup_log
  • /var/adm/devops/clearcase/client_list.db

Windows files

  • ccase-home-dir \var\rgy\*
  • ccase-home-dir\var\rgy\backup\*

Windows registry keys

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\AtriaRegy
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\ServerType
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\RegBackup