
Lists view and VOB server storage locations



Command type


cleartool subcommand






lsstgloc [ –vie/w | –vob ] [ –s/hort | –l/ong ]
[ –reg/ion network-region ] [ –hos/t hostname ]

[ stgloc-name | ‘stgloc-name-pattern‘ ...

| –sto/rage stgloc-pname ]


The lsstgloc command lists registry information about server storage locations for views, VOBs, or both.



Options and arguments

Specifying the kind of server storage location to be listed

Both view and VOB server storage locations.
Lists server storage locations for views only.
Lists server storage locations for VOBs only.

Specifying output verbosity

Displays a one-line summary of the registry information.
Lists server storage location names only.
Lists the server storage location's name, region, UUID, global path (ClearCase), server host, and server host path.

Specifying the network region

The local host's network region. (Use the hostinfo –long command to display the network region.)
–reg/ion network-region
Lists server storage locations in the specified network region.

Specifying the host

All server storage locations registered for the local network region.
–hos/t hostname
Lists only server storage locations residing at the specified host.

Specifying the server storage location

All server storage locations in the local network region.
stgloc-name-pattern‘ ...
Lists server storage locations whose names match the specified patterns. Enclose each name pattern in quotes.
–sto/rage stgloc-pname
Lists the specified server storage location.


The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you might need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you might need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • List the server storage locations.

    cmd-context lsstgloc
    Views /net/saturn/ccstg_d/views
    VOBs /net/saturn/ccstg_d/VOBs
    test_BRAD /net/pluto/c/temp/test_BRAD

  • List the server storage location named test_BRAD.

    cmd-context lsstgloc test_BRAD
    test_BRAD  \\pluto\c\temp\test_BRAD

  • On a UNIX or Linux system, list details of the server storage location at /net/peroxide/export/home/bert/stgloc_view1.

    cmd-context lsstgloc -long -storage

    Name: stgloc_view1
    Type: View
    Region: at1_r_d_unix
    Storage Location uuid: 3988ccaa.412d11d4.a313.00:01:80:7c:c6:73
    Global path: /net/peroxide/export/home/bert/stgloc_view1
    Server host: peroxide
    Server host path: /export/home/bert/stgloc_view1