
Removes a view tag or a VOB tag from the networkwide storage registry



Command type


cleartool subcommand






  • Remove a view tag:
    rmtag –vie/w [ –reg/ion network-region | –a/ll ] view-tag ...
  • Remove a VOB tag:
    rmtag –vob [ –reg/ion network-region | –a/ll ]
    [ –pas/sword tag-registry-password ] vob-tag ...


The rmtag command removes one or more entries from the network's view tag registry or VOB tag registry. For a discussion of the registries, see the DevOps Code ClearCase Administrator's Guide. You cannot remove a tag that is currently in use.

ClearCase—Using rmtag

A VOB tag is in use if the VOB is active on any host in the network region. Use the cleartool umount command to deactivate a VOB on all hosts in the region before removing its tag.

A view tag for a dynamic view is in use if any user process is set to the view specified by this tag, or if any user process has a current working directory that is a view-extended pathname based on this tag.

A VOB or view must always have a tag in its home region: the network region of the host where the VOB or view storage directory physically resides. If you remove a home-region tag, create a new one immediately.

You must supply the network's VOB tag password when deleting a public VOB tag; if you do not use the –password option, you are prompted for the password. For information on the VOB tag password, see the rgy_passwd reference page.

Options and arguments

Specifying the kind of tag

Removes one or more view tags.
Removes one or more VOB tags.

Specifying a network region

Removes tags that are defined for the local host's network region. (Use the hostinfo –long command to list a host's network region.) For a discussion of network regions, see the Administrator's Guide.
–reg/ion network-region
Removes a tag defined for the specified network region. An error occurs if the region does not already exist.
Removes a tag from all network regions for which it is defined.

Specifying the VOB tag password

If you attempt to remove a public VOB tag, rmtag prompts you for the VOB tag password. (See also rgy_passwd.)
–pas/sword tag-registry-password
Specifies the password on the command line.
Important: This is a potential security breach, because the password remains visible on your display buffer.

Specifying the tags

view-tag ..
One or more view tags to be removed.
vob-tag ..
One or more VOB tags to be removed.


The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you might need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you might need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • Remove the view tag R2alpha from the view registry.

    cmd-context  rmtag –view R2alpha

  • Remove the VOB tag /vob_tests from all network regions.

    cmd-context rmtag –vob –all /vob_tests