Removing winked-in DOs that are not valid

About this task

View the list of derived objects in the Private Files subnode of the view storage node in the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console or run cleartool lsprivate –do. Attempt to open each file. The view then detects winked-in DOs that are no longer valid and removes them.

Remove all of the view's .cmake.state files. The view then queries the VOB regarding the state of DOs created by this view. Rebuilding in the view causes the view to detect view-private files that are no longer recognized as DOs and rebuild them.

After you fix DO promotion problems for a dynamic view, isolated problems may still occur (for example, when a view's DO container does not exist). To prevent this problem from reoccurring, follow the procedures in Re-establishing the consistency of a dynamic view's derived object state.