Removing eclipsing view-private files

About this task

To find eclipsing view-private files in either a snapshot or dynamic view:
  • In a dynamic view, inspect the list of checked-out files in the Private Files subnode of the view storage node in the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console or run cleartool lsprivate –other –long.
  • In a snapshot view, run cleartool ls –recurse –view_only.
  • Look for elements that are marked eclipsed.
    • If the element is in a VOB that was restored, a user had probably checked out the element after the VOB was last backed up.
    • If the element was checked out to a view that was restored, a user had probably checked out the element and then canceled the checkout or checked in the version data now present in the restored view. If the version had been checked in, the eclipsing view-private file can be removed, and the user can check out a new version and continue working. If the version had not been checked in, the eclipsing view-private file may still contain the most recent changes. In this case, it must be renamed so that a new version of the element can be checked out to hold these changes.