Cleaning up a view manually

About this task

Users can remove unneeded files from their views by using tools that the operating system supplies for removing files. To list view-private files by the path names at which they are displayed as in VOBs, use the Private Files subnode of the view storage node in the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console or use the lsprivate command:

cleartool lsprivate
\proj\lib\get.c  [checkedout]
\proj\lib\querytty.c  [checkedout]
\proj\lib\strut.c  [checkedout]

Do not remove any files that are listed as [checkedout]. If any files are listed as not available - deleted perhaps?, use the following procedure to recover them.
Note: This procedure applies only to dynamic views. For a snapshot view, you can use the cleartool ls –recurse –view_only command to inspect files in the view.


  1. Decide which stranded files to delete.
    Stranded files were once cataloged in VOB or view directories that are not currently accessible; in some cases, they may never become accessible again. See the lsprivate reference page to learn more about stranded files and to decide which files to delete. In general, you do not select individual files, but entire directories or entire VOBs, all of whose view-private files are to be deleted.
  2. Collect the UUIDs of stranded objects.
    Determine the UUID of each VOB directory and each VOB whose files are to be deleted. For example, the following lines from lsprivate output describes a stranded file named util.cxx:


    The VOB from which the file is stranded has this UUID:


    The VOB directory in which the stranded file was created has this UUID:


  3. Move stranded files to the view's lost+found directory.
    To remove a set of stranded files, use recoverview to transfer them to the view's lost+found directory. This command transfers all stranded view-private files created in the same directory as util.cxx:

    cleartool recoverview –dir 375b5ca0.0e9511cd.ae20.08:00:69:06:af:65 –tag r2integ
    Moved file ccsvr03:\vws\integ\.s\lost+found\57FBB6DF.0418.util.hxx
    Moved file ccsvr03:\vws\integ\.s\lost+found\2203B56D.00C2.util.cxx

    In this example, recoverview transfers two files, util.hxx and util.cxx, to the lost+found directory.
  4. Delete the files from the lost+found directory.
    You can now use a standard file removal command to delete the stranded files:

    cd \vws\integ\.s\lost+found
    c:\vws\integ\.s\lost+found> del 57FBB6DF.0418.util.hxx
    c:\vws\integ\.s\lost+found> del 2203B56D.00C2.util.cxx