Getting information about view contents

The DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console displays information about disk space used by views:
  • The Derived Objects subnode of a VOB storage node shows disk space used by shared derived objects in the VOB. The display shows which views hold references to these DOs.
  • The view storage node for a view (a subnode of the host node for the host where the view storage directory resides) shows current and historical disk space used by the view.
  • The Private Files subnode of the view storage node for a dynamic view lists view-private objects, including files and derived objects, in the view.
Several cleartool subcommands also display information on disk space used in views:
  • The dospace command shows disk space used by shared derived objects in a VOB. The display shows which views have references to these DOs.
  • The cleartool space –view command shows current and historical disk space used for a view.
The DevOps Code ClearCase scheduler runs several jobs that gather data on disk space used by views:
  • Daily data gathering on disk space used by views
  • Weekly data gathering on disk space used by shared derived objects
  • Daily and weekly execution of jobs that you can customize to run your own programs

For more information, see The DevOps Code ClearCase scheduler.