Enabling region mapping on the DevOps Code ClearCase Remote Client WAN server

A user region map enables you to specify a ClearCase® registry region to which a user or group is given access when they use the ClearCase Remote Client.

About this task

A user or group named in a region map can access only those versioned object bases (VOBs) that have tags in a particular region. A region map controls the set of VOBs that a particular user can specify in load rules. There are situations where the VOBs from which resources were previously loaded do not have tags in the region to which a user is mapped. In such cases, if you add or change a region map after you create the load rules, unspecified behavior results.
Note: Any VOB tag in a region defined in a user region map must also exist in the default region for the ClearCase Web server.


Use the following procedure to create a user region map:
  1. Log in to the server of the ClearCase Remote Client as an administrator
  2. Change the directory to whichever one is appropriate for your environment:
    • On UNIX/Linux: /opt/devops/code/clearcase/config/ccrc
    • On Windows: C:\Program Files\devops\code\clearcase\config\ccrc
  3. Copy the user-region-mapfile.conf.sample file to the user-region-mapfile.conf file
  4. Edit the user-region-mapfile.conf file following the syntax described in the user-region-mapfile.conf.sample file
  5. Edit the server.conf file and add the following line: ccrcUserRegionMapFile=path_to_mapfile
  6. Activate the new setting by reloading this page: