User region map syntax

A user region map associates a DevOps Code ClearCase® registry region with one or more users or groups. User region maps are supported only by the ClearCase Remote Client.

Map file syntax

A region map consists of one or more lines of the form:

region = { ( [username[ username... |] | [group:groupname] [group:groupname] ... | %DEFAULT% ) }


  • a space or tab character must follow the "{" character and precede the "}" character.
  • region is the name of a region that is defined in the DevOps Code ClearCase registry to which the host is assigned.
  • a username is the name of a user who is authorized to connect to the host.
  • groupname is the name of a group that is authorized to connect to the host.

Each line must start with the name of a region that is defined in the DevOps Code ClearCase registry to which the host is assigned, and can contain the names of one or more users or groups that are authorized to connect to the host. You can optionally specify a default region to which all users not otherwise specified will be mapped.

All characters on a line after a # character are regarded as comments. Newlines are ignored.


#Users in the group 'internal-dev' have access to VOBs that have tags in the 'corp-internal' region corp-internal = { group:internal-dev }

#Users in the group 'contractors' a have access to VOBs that have tags in the 'corp-external' region corp-external = { group:contractors }

#Users 'bill' and 'ted' have access to VOBs that have tags in the 'corp-external' region corp-external = { bill ted }

#Any user or group not specified in another line has access to VOBs that have tags in the 'corp-internal' region corp-internal = { %DEFAULT% }