Preparing DevOps Code ClearCase hosts

About this task

Before you begin the conversion, your DevOps Code ClearCase® hosts must be configured for use in an Active Directory environment.
  • All VOBs on Windows® hosts must be at schema version 54. Schema version 54 stores Windows user and group identity information in SID form to better support Active Directory’s improved handling of user and group authentication. For information on VOB schema versions, and how to upgrade VOBs from an older schema version to schema version 54, refer to VOB schema versions.
  • The user environment variable CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP must be defined for all users. Set the value of this variable to a domain-qualified group name of the form DOMAIN_NAME\group_name.

Before you proceed with the conversion to Active Directory, verify that all DevOps Code ClearCase hosts have been configured as described here and that DevOps Code ClearCase is operating normally for all users and hosts.