Domain user and group accounts

Any DevOps Code ClearCase® community must define a group to which all users who perform routine DevOps Code ClearCase operations using a common set of VOBs and views belong.

The DevOps Code ClearCase users group can be an existing domain global group or one created specifically for this purpose. In the examples presented here, this group is named clearusers.

The DevOps Code ClearCase users group must have the following characteristics:
  • It must be a domain global group or an Active Directory universal group. Use a domain global group unless the group needs to include other groups.
  • If members of the group must access VOBs or views on a host running Linux® or the UNIX® system, the group name must be the same as the name of the ClearCase users group on Linux or the UNIX system. For more information, see Common user and group names.
Note: If your DevOps Code ClearCase community includes multiple groups that share VOBs and views among their members but not with members of other groups, you must designate a different DevOps Code ClearCase users group for each of these groups.
In addition to the DevOps Code ClearCase users group, a DevOps Code ClearCase community requires two additional domain accounts:
  • A DevOps Code ClearCase server process user. The albd_server program runs with this identity. In examples throughout this document, the DevOps Code ClearCase server process user is named clearcase_albd. The DevOps Code ClearCase server process user must be a member of the DevOps Code ClearCase administrators group. For ACLs-enabled VOBs, this account or one of its groups must have read access to the VOB object. This account or one of its groups also needs access to all elements in the VOB (in order for the cleartext storage pool to be constructed).
  • A DevOps Code ClearCase administrators group. Members of this group can perform all DevOps Code ClearCase operations, including those that permanently destroy data. Membership in this group should be restricted to the DevOps Code ClearCase server process user and a few DevOps Code ClearCase administrators.

The DevOps Code ClearCase server process user and DevOps Code ClearCase administrators group are normally created by the site preparation process if they do not already exist. They can also be created manually, if necessary. See Defining required domain accounts manually.