Using express builds to prevent winkin to other views

Learn how to use express builds to prevent winkin to other views.

During an express build, DevOps Code ClearCase® creates DOs that are nonshareable and cannot be used by builds in other views. These nonshareable DOs have configuration records, but the ClearCase build tools do not write information into the VOB for these DOs. Therefore, the DOs are invisible to builds in other views.

Note: During an express build, the ClearCase build tools wink in DOs from other views. For information about avoiding winkins from other views, see Preventing winkin to your view.

Use express builds when DOs created by the build are not appropriate for use by other views. As a general rule:

  • Use express builds for development builds that use relatively unstable, checked-out versions.
  • Use regular builds for release or nightly builds that use stable, checked-in versions. DOs created by these builds are more likely to be winked in by other views.

Enabling express builds

When you invoke a ClearCase build tool, the kind of build that occurs depends on how your view is configured. To use express builds, configure an existing dynamic view with the nonshareable DOs property or create a new dynamic view with the nonshareable DOs property. Then, run your ClearCase build tool (clearmake, omake, or clearaudit) in the view.

The following sections describe how to configure your view to use express builds.

Configuring an existing view for express builds

Use the command chview -nshareable_dos view-tag. For more information, see the chview reference page.

Future builds in the view will create nonshareable derived objects. However, existing DOs in the view are shareable; they are not converted to nonshareable. These existing DOs can still be winked in by other views.

Creating a new view that uses express builds

To create a new view, use one of the following methods:

  • Use the mkview command with the -nshareable_dos option. For more information, see the mkview reference page.
  • Use the View Creation Wizard:
    1. In Step 3, click Advanced Options.
    2. Clear the Create shareable derived objects check box.
    3. Follow the prompts of the View Creation Wizard.
Note: The ClearCase administrator can set a site-wide default for the DO property. If a site-wide default exists and you do not specify the DO property when you create the view, ClearCase uses the site-wide default. For more information, see the setsite reference page.