Setting correct permissions for derived objects

Learn how to set permission for derived objects.

If you and other members of your team want to share derived objects (DOs), make sure that your views are configured to create shareable DOs and that the DOs are created with a mode that grants both read and write access to team members.

Permissions on DOs affect the extent to which they are shareable:

  • When you perform a build, the DevOps Code ClearCase® build tool winks in a derived object to your view only if you have read permission on the DO.
  • The ClearCase build tool can wink in DOs for which you do not have write permission. But permission denied errors might occur during a subsequent build, when a compiler (or other build script command) attempts to overwrite such a DO. To work around this problem, you can rewrite your makefile to remove the target before rebuilding it. You can also set a policy for how users must set their permissions.

For information about fixing the permissions of DO versions, see the protect reference page.