Accessing DO versions

Learn how to access DO versions.

When you check out a DO version, it is winked in to your dynamic view. You can use a standard path name to access the file system data of a DO. However, VOB-database access is handled in the following ways:

  • A standard path name to the DO references the version in the VOB database from which the checkout was made:
    Z:\myvob\bin> cleartool checkout -nc hello 
    Checked out "hello" from version "\main\3".
    Z:\myvob\bin> cleartool mklabel EXPER hello 
    Created label "EXPER" on "hello" version "\main\3".

    Wink in derived object hello.

    Use standard path name to access the version from which checkout was made.

  • To access the checked-out placeholder version, you must use an extended path name:
    Z:\myvob\bin> cleartool mklabel -replace EXPER hello@@\main\CHECKEDOUT
    Moved label "EXPER" on "hello" from version "\main\3" to "\main\CHECKEDOUT".

If you process a checked-out DO version, as described in Converting derived objects to view-private files, DevOps Code ClearCase® reverts to its usual handling of checked-out versions. In this case, a standard path name references the placeholder version in the VOB database.