Shareable DOs

This is a shareable kind of DO.

When a DevOps Code ClearCase® build tool creates a shareable DO, it creates a configuration record for the DO and writes information about the DO into the VOB. (At this point, the DO is shareable but unshared.) Builds in other views use this information during configuration lookup. If the build determines that it can wink in an existing DO, it contacts the view containing the DO and promotes the DO to the VOB. (The DO is now shareable and shared.)

As noted in Express builds, you must consider whether the performance benefit of winking in DOs is worth the performance cost of making them available for winkin.

Note: The process of looking for a DO to wink in uses an efficient algorithm to eliminate mismatches. The build tool does not contact other views to retrieve configuration records unless the configuration lookup process determines that there is a winkin candidate.

The configuration lookup process cannot guarantee that the DO is suitable for use. The process uses details in the config record to determine whether a DO is suitable for winkin, but the config record does not record all parameters of a build. For example, a config record might list only a compiler's name and the options used. If two builds use incompatible compilers with the same name, unwanted winkins from one build to the other can occur.

Note: To minimize occurrences of incorrect winkin, all developers must use the same set of tools. An effective way to do so is to put your build tools under version control and always run them from the VOB.