Derived objects overview

Derived objects are created during builds with DevOps Code ClearCase® build tools. They are used for build avoidance and derived object sharing.

In a parallel-development environment, many DOs with the same path name might exist at the same time. For example, a source file msg.c is being developed on three branches concurrently, in three different views. ClearCase builds performed in those three views produce object modules named msg.obj. Each of these is a DO, and each has the same standard path name, for example, \proj\src\msg.obj.

Note: Symbolic links created by a build script and files created in non-VOB directories are not DOs.

In addition, each DO can be accessed with ClearCase extended names:

  • Within each dynamic view, a standard Windows path name accesses the DO referenced by that view. This is another example of the ClearCase transparency feature.
    The DO in the current view.
  • You can use a view-extended path name to access a DO in any view:
    The DO in view drp.
    The DO in view R2_integ.