Uploading a file

Upload files from your device to share them with people or communities or store them for your own use.

About this task

You can tag and share files during or after upload.
  1. In the menu bar, click Apps > Files.
  2. Click New > Upload.
    Tip: To quickly upload a file, you can drag and drop a file anywhere in the browser window.
  3. Click Browse, select one or more files, and click Open.
    Screenshot of options when uploading a file
  4. Upload
    Note: If your organization has enabled the sync feature, you can drag and drop or copy, cut and paste a file from your desktop to your My Drive folder. See Organizing, syncing, and editing files in My Drive.

Good to know

  • If you are using an HTML-5 browser, the file size limit for a single file is set by your administrator. Otherwise, the file size limit is 500 MB.
  • Your administrator limits the amount of space that you have for storing files. Stored files include all versions of uploaded files. You can store up to 1 TB of files in your personal files, and more storage can be purchased for you if needed. You can also delete old file versions to create more storage space.
  • Files are scanned for viruses during upload. Uploaded files are also scanned periodically for viruses.