Updating WebSphere to support Azure AD OIDC authentication for Connections

Single sign-on is accomplished by setting up a trust relationship between the Connections server and Microsoft Azure using the WebSphere OpenID Connect Relying Party Trust Association Interceptor (OIDC Relying Party TAI). This requires that the WebSphereOIDCRP application is installed on each cluster.

Before you begin

Complete the steps in Adding an application in Azure AD for SSO with Connections, which results in values that you'll need in step 7 of the following procedure.


  1. For every cluster, deploy WebSphereOIDCRP. In this example, the Connections applications are installed across the four clusters, AppsCluster, InfraCluster, PushCluster, and UtilCluster.

    WebSphere screen showing WebSphereOIDCRP associated with four cluster names

    Note: The OIDC Replying Party TAI code is shipped as part of WebSphere Application Server. It is recommended that you are running WebSphere which contains all required fixes. However, if you are running an earlier version of WebSphere, you must install at least version 1.3.0 of the OIDC jar. Find the latest version from https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/290565.
  2. Apply a unique context root to each of the clusters. For example, for the Apps cluster, go to Enterprise Applications > WebSphereOIDCRP_AppsCluster.ear > Context Root For Web Modules .

    Applying context root to cluster

  3. Apply clusters to each module. For example, for the Apps cluster, go to Enterprise Applications > WebSphereOIDCRP_AppsCluster.ear > Manage Modules

  4. Configure Global Security Custom Properties by clicking Security > Global security > Custom Properties and setting these properties to the following values:
    Table 1. Property values
    Property Value
    Note: If this property doesn't exist, add it.
    com.ibm.websphere.security.DeferTAItoSSO com.ibm.ws.security.oidc.client.RelyingParty
  5. As the WebSphere administrator, in the administrative console, click Security > Global security > Web and SIP security > Trust association.
  6. Click Interceptors > New to add an interceptor.
  7. For the interceptor class name, enter com.ibm.ws.security.oidc.client.RelyingParty.
  8. Add the following properties and values.
    Note: Use the values for {client_id}, {client_secret}, and {tenant} that you copied from steps 3 and 4 of the previous procedure.
    Table 2. Property values
    Property Value
    provider_1.identifier azuread
    provider_1.clientId {client_id} Find this value in Azure Connections application configuration
    provider_1.clientSecret {client_secret}
    provider_1.signatureAlgorithm RS256
    provider_1.scope openid profile email api://{client_id}/default
    provider_1.interceptedPathFilter /activities/.*,/blogs/.*,/dogear/.*,/files/.*,/forums/.*,



    provider_1.excludedPathFilter /activities/service/downloadExtended/.*,/survey/.*,








    provider_1.authorizeEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
    provider_1.tokenEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftlonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
    provider_1.jwkEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/discovery/v2.0/keys
    provider_1.signVerifyAlias cnxoidccert
    provider_1.issuerIdentifier https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/v2.0
    provider_1.userIdentifier email
    provider_1.useJwtFromRequest ifPresent
    provider_1.createSession true
    provider_1.verifyIssuerInIat true
    provider_1.audiences ALL_AUDIENCES
    provider_1.setLtpaCookie true
    provider_1.callbackServletContext /oidcclient_apps
    provider_2.identifier azuread
    provider_2.clientId {client_id}
    provider_2.clientSecret {client_secret}
    provider_2.signatureAlgorithm RS256
    provider_2.scope openid profile email api://c270bc0a-0097-48d6-8e65-1728143c5c9e/default
    provider_2.interceptedPathFilter /connections/bookmarklet/.*,/connections/oauth/.*,/connections/resources/.*,





    provider_2.excludedPathFilter /activities/service/downloadExtended/.*,/survey/.*,/surveys/.*,








    provider_2.authorizeEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
    provider_2.tokenEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
    provider_2.jwkEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/discovery/v2.0/keys
    provider_2.signVerifyAlias cnxoidccert
    provider_2.issuerIdentifier https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/v2.0
    provider_2.userIdentifier email
    provider_2.useJwtFromRequest ifPresent
    provider_2.createSession true
    provider_2.verifyIssuerInIat true
    provider_2.audiences ALL_AUDIENCES
    provider_2.setLtpaCookie true
    provider_2.callbackServletContext /oidcclient_infra
    provider_3.identifier azuread
    provider_3.clientId {client_id}
    provider_3.clientSecret {client_secret}
    provider_3.signatureAlgorithm RS256
    provider_3.scope openid profile email api://c270bc0a-0097-48d6-8e65-1728143c5c9e/default
    provider_3.interceptedPathFilter /push/.*
    provider_3.excludedPathFilter /activities/service/downloadExtended/.*,/survey/.*,/surveys/.*,








    provider_3.authorizeEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
    provider_3.tokenEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
    provider_3.jwkEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/discovery/v2.0/keys
    provider_3.signVerifyAlias cnxoidccert
    provider_3.issuerIdentifier https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/v2.0
    provider_3.userIdentifier email
    provider_3.useJwtFromRequest ifPresent
    provider_3.createSession true
    provider_3.verifyIssuerInIat true
    provider_3.audiences ALL_AUDIENCES
    provider_3.setLtpaCookie true
    provider_3.callbackServletContext /oidcclient_push
    provider_4.identifier azuread
    provider_4.clientId {client_id}
    provider_4.clientSecret {client_secret}
    provider_4.signatureAlgorithm RS256
    provider_4.scope openid profile email api://c270bc0a-0097-48d6-8e65-1728143c5c9e/default
    provider_4.interceptedPathFilter /homepage/.*,/moderation/.*,/connections/rte/.*,/connections/webeditors/.*
    provider_4.excludedPathFilter /activities/service/downloadExtended/.*,/survey/.*,/surveys/.*,








    provider_4.authorizeEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
    provider_4.tokenEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
    provider_4.jwkEndpointUrl https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/discovery/v2.0/keys
    provider_4.signVerifyAlias cnxoidccert
    provider_4.issuerIdentifier https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/v2.0
    provider_4.userIdentifier email
    provider_4.useJwtFromRequest ifPresent
    provider_4.createSession true
    provider_4.verifyIssuerInIat true
    provider_4.audiences ALL_AUDIENCES
    provider_4.setLtpaCookie true
    provider_4.callbackServletContext /oidcclient_util
    provider_1.realmIdentifier tid
    provider_2.realmIdentifier tid
    provider_3.realmIdentifier tid
    provider_4.realmIdentifier tid
    JndiCacheName services/cache/OpenidRpCache
  9. Configure the Azure tenant as a trusted realm:
    1. Click Security > Global security > RMI/IIOP security > CSIv2 inbound communications > Trusted authentication realms - inbound.
    2. In the Realms section, click Add External Realm.
    3. For the External realm name field, enter the value for {tenant}.
    4. Click OK.
  10. Create a new object cache instance with the JNDI name matching the one used in the last TAI property in the preceeding table (Resources > cache Instances > Object cache instances).

    screen for creating cache instance

  11. Go to Application servers > cluster > Container Services > Dynamic cache service, and for each cluster’s dynamic cache service make sure that cache replication is enabled and uses ConnectionsReplicationDomain.

    screen for enabling cache replication

  12. Configure the trusted realm:
    1. Click Security > Global security.
    2. In the User account repository section, click Configure.
    3. In the Related Items section, click Trusted authentication realms - inbound > Add External Realm.
    4. In the External realm name field, enter the value for provider_1.issuerIdentifier from the Interceptor.
    5. Click OK.
  13. Add the root signing certificate of the Microsoft Certificate endpoint to the default trust store:
    1. Click Security > SSL certificate and key management.
    2. Click Key stores and certificates.
    3. Select CellDefaultTrustStore and click Signer certificates.
    4. Click Retrieve from port.
    5. For the Host field, enter login.microsoftonline.com.
    6. For the Port field, enter 443.
    7. For the Alias field, enter cnxoidccert. (You will need to use this name as a value for property provider_1.signVerifyAlias. )
    8. Click Retrieve signer information.
    9. Click OK and save the changes.
  14. Change security role for user/group for applications:
    1. Click Applications > Application types > Enterprise Applications > Application name > Security role to user/group mapping.
    2. For each resource, change the permission for all roles that have "All Authenticated in Application's Realm" to "All Authenticated in Trusted Realm."
  15. Synchronize all nodes.
  16. Restart the WebSphere server.

What to do next

Return to step 8 of Adding an application in Azure AD for SSO with Connections and add a redirect URI.

Then Configure Connections to support Azure OIDC.