Enabling single sign-on for SiteMinder

Configure HCL Connections to use Computer Associates' SiteMinder to implement user authentication and single sign-on (SSO).

Before you begin

Complete the following prerequisite conditions:

  • Ensure that you can access Connections applications from a web browser.
  • Complete the installation and configuration of TAI/ASA. The instructions are included with SiteMinder.
  • Verify that TAI/ASA is registered with WebSphere® Application Server.
  • Each href attribute in the LotusConnections-config.xml file is case-sensitive and must specify a fully-qualified domain name.

  • The connectionsAdmin J2C alias that you specified during installation must correspond to a valid account that can authenticate with SiteMinder. It may map to a back-end administrative user account. This account must be capable of authenticating for single sign-on against SiteMinder. If you need to update the user ID or credentials for this alias, see the Changing references to administrative credentials topic.
  • For more information about the SiteMinder Policy Server and Web Agent configuration, go to the CA SiteMinder BookShelf.
  • For more information about the SiteMinder Agent for WebSphere®, see the CA SiteMinder Agent for WebSphere guide (PDF) and the CA eTrust SiteMinder Agent for IBM WebSphere Release Notes (PDF). The latest Application Server Agent (ASA) at the moment is version 12. CA support confirms that it can be used with SM 12.51.

About this task

You need to create SiteMinder Agent and Domain objects with realms, rules, and a policy that is related to HTTP Server and WebSphere® Application Server.

When a user requests a page that is protected by SiteMinder, the Web Agent on the HTTP server intercepts the request and prompts the user for authentication. If the user provides valid credentials, the user is authenticated and an SMSESSION cookie is added to the request which is then passed on to the WebSphere® Application Server. The SiteMinder Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) on the server verifies the information in the cookie and sets the User Principal that Connections requires to identify the user.

This task describes a configuration that uses SiteMinder Policy Server 6.0 SP5, SiteMinder ASA 6.0 Agent for WebSphere® Application Server (with CR00010 hotfix), and SiteMinder Web Agent v6qmr5-cr035.

To set up SSO using SiteMinder, complete the following steps:


  1. Download and apply the Unrestricted JCE policy files:
    1. Go to the J2SE 5 SDK Security information web page.
    2. Authenticate with your universal HCL user ID and password.
    3. Download the Unrestricted JCE Policy files for SDK for all newer versions package.
    4. Extract the files from the downloaded package.
    5. Back up your existing copies (if any) of the US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar files, located in the app_server_root/java/jre/lib/security directory.
    6. Copy the new jar files from the extracted package to the same directory, overwriting any existing files.
  2. Create agents on the SiteMinder Policy Server, including a Web Agent for HTTP Server and an Application Server Agent for WebSphere® Application Server.
    1. Open the SiteMinder Administration console.
    2. Right-click Agents and select Create Agent.
    3. Enter details of the Name and Description of the Web Agent for HTTP Server.
    4. Repeat these steps for the Application Server Agent.
  3. Create Agent Configuration Objects on the SiteMinder Policy Server. In the SiteMinder Administration Console, open the Agent Conf Objects pane and complete the following steps:
    1. Configure the Web Agent for HTTP Server:
      1. Right-click Apache Default Settings Agent and select Duplicate Configuration Object.
      2. Enter the Name and description of the Agent Configuration Object.
      3. Update the following parameters to match your environment:
        Name of the Apache Agent created earlier

        where your_domain is your Connections domain. If, for example, the URL is http://activities.example.com/activities, your host name is activities.example.com and your domain is example.com. In this example, you would set CookieDomain=example.com. .


        This parameter configures the Web Agent to support basic authentication but without requiring all API client programs to support cookies.


        This parameter enables the Invite colleagues functionality in Profiles.


        Configure SiteMinder to recognize only one web address as the logout web address. Uncomment one of the following URIs by removing the number sign (#) character:













    2. Under the System tab, update the Agent Configuration Object with the following value: FCCCompatMode - NO
    3. Configure the Application Server Agent:
      1. Right-click Apache Default Settings Agent and select Duplicate Configuration Object.
      2. Enter the Name and description of the Agent Configuration Object.
      3. Update the following parameters to match your environment:
        Name of the Apache Agent created earlier

        where your_domain is your Connections domain. If, for example, the URL is http://activities.example.com/activities, your host name is activities.example.com and your domain is example.com. In this example, you would set CookieDomain=example.com.

      4. Check whether the PrevalidateCookie property exists in the Configuration Values as follows:
        • If PrevalidateCookie does exist, click Edit and set it to YES.
        • If PrevalidateCookie does not exist, click Add, add a parameter named PrevalidateCookie, and set it to YES.
        • Click OK and then click OK again to save the parameters.
    • When activated, the LogOffUri parameter clears the SMSESSION cookie and ensures that the user is logged out of all Connections browser sessions.
    • To add parameters, edit the Agent Configuration Object on the SiteMinder Policy Server. Alternatively, you can edit the LocalConfig.conf file on the HTTP server if the Web Agent is configured to use it.
    • If you are editing the SiteMinder configuration file directly, you must surround the values of SiteMinder configuration parameters with quotation marks ("); for example: BadCSSChars="<,>". If you are changing these parameters within the SiteMinder Policy Server, do not use quotation marks.
  4. Specify your SiteMinder Authentication Scheme configuration:
    1. Open the SiteMinder Administration Console and navigate to the Authentication Scheme Properties dialog box.
    2. From the Authentication Scheme type list, select HTML Form template.
    3. Clear the Use Relative Target check box.
    4. Enter the URL of your Connections HTTP server in the web Server Name field.
  5. On the SiteMinder Policy Server, create a domain for the HTTP Server web agent.
  6. Create protected realms under the HTTP Server Web Agent domain:
    1. Using the Agent Object and Forms Authentication Scheme that you created in Step 3.a and Step 4, create SiteMinder realms that are protected by forms authentication.

      See the table for a list of URLs that are protected by forms authentication.

      Table 1. Realms that require forms authentication

      This table shows all Connections applications with protected URL resources

      Application Protected URL resource
      ConnectionsDefaultRealm /
      Activities /activities/follow/atomfba
      Blogs /blogs/api_form
      Bookmarks /dogear/atom_fba
      Common resources /connections/opensocial/rest
      Communities /communities/calendar/atom_form
      Files /files/follow/atomfba
      Forums /forums/atom/forms
      Profiles /profiles/atom/forms
      URL Preview /connections/opengraph/form/api/oembed
      Wikis /wikis/follow/atomfba
    2. Using the Agent Object and Forms Authentication Scheme that you created in Step 3.a and Step 4, create SiteMinder realms that are protected by basic authentication.
      See the Realms that require basic authentication table for a list of URLs that are protected by basic authentication.
      Table 2. Realms that require basic authentication

      This table shows all Connections applications with protected URL resources

      Application Protected URL resource
      Activities /activities/follow/atom
      Blogs /blogs/api
      Bookmarks /dogear/api/app
      Common resources /connections/opensocial/basic/rest
      Communities /communities/calendar/atom
      Content Manager /dm/atom/seedlist
      Files /files/basic/api
      Forums /forums/atom
      Home page /homepage/atom/search
      Metrics /metricssc/configsetter
      News /news/atom/service
      Profiles /profiles/admin/atom
      URL Preview /connections/opengraph/basic/api/oembed
      Wikis /wikis/basic/api
    3. Optional: Protect login credentials with encryption: Using the Basic over SSL Template scheme, create a SiteMinder Authentication Scheme and apply the new Authentication Scheme to all the SiteMinder realms that require basic authentication.
  7. Create Delete and Head actions for the Web Agent. By default, the Web Agent has only the Get, Post, and Put actions available. To add the Delete and Head actions, complete the following steps:
    1. In the SiteMinder Administration Console, click View and select Agent Types.
    2. Select Agent Types in the Systems pane.
    3. Double-click Web Agent in the Agent Type list.
    4. In the Agent Type Properties dialog box, click Create.
    5. Enter Delete in the New Agent Action dialog box and click OK.
    6. Enter Head in the New Agent Action dialog box and click OK.
    7. Click OK again to save the new action.
  8. Create the following rules for each realm:
    Table 3. Rules for the HTTP Server realms
    GetPostPutDelHead rule OnAuthAccept rule
    Realm: CurrentRealm Realm: CurrentRealm
    Resource: * (not /*) Resource: * (not /*)
    Action: Web Agent actions -> Get,Post,Put,Delete,Head Action: Authentication events -> OnAuthAccept
    When this Rule fires: Allow Access When this Rule fires: Allow Access
    Enable or Disable this Rule: Enabled Enable or Disable this Rule: Enabled
  9. Create a policy and add the users who will be able to access the server to the policy. You can allow all users in the LDAP directory or a subset of users; for example: an LDAP branch, individual users, or groups of users.
  10. Add the new rules to the new policy.
  11. Specify realms that are not protected by SiteMinder.
    Note: You must configure notification templates and some Atom feeds as unprotected URLs. The Blogs footer page must also be unprotected because Blogs uses the Velocity template to extract footer pages.
    Table 4. Realms that do not require authentication

    This table shows all Connections applications with unprotected URL resources

    Application Unprotected URL resource
    Activities /activities_content
    App Registry /appreg
    Blogs /blogs/oauth
    Bookmarks /dogear/oauth
    Common resources /connections/bookmarklet/tools/blet.js
    Communities /communities/calendar/Calendar.xml
    Content Manager /wsi
    Files /files/app
    Forums /forums/oauth
    Home page /homepage/oauth
    Libraries /library_content_cache
    Mobile /mobile_content
    Moderation /moderation/app
    News /help
    OAuth Provider /oauth2
    Orient Me /community-suggestions
    Profiles /profiles/atom/forms/connections.do
    Search /search/atom/search
    URL Preview /connections/opengraph/form/anonymous/api/oembed
    Widget container /connections/opensocial/anonymous/rest
    Wikis /wikis/basic/anonymous/api
  12. Map the Reader role in the Activities and Wikis applications All Authenticated in Application's Realm.
    See Roles.
  13. On the SiteMinder Policy Server, create a domain for the Application Server Agent.
  14. Add the following realm to the new WebSphere® Application Server domain:
    Table 5. SiteMinder realms for WebSphere® Application Server
    Realm name Protected resource
    SM TAI Validation /siteminderassertion
    Note: You must configure the Protected Resource of this realm to match the AssertionAuthResource parameter that you configured earlier for the Application Server Agent.
    Note: Make sure that SM TAI honors SM session-based cookies and the triggered LTPA cookies to be generated by WAS.
  15. Set the timeout value of the session for each realm.
    1. In the SiteMinder Policy Server, open the Realm Dialog and click Session.
    2. In the Session Timeouts Group Box, enter timeouts for each realm. Enter the following values, if they are not already present:
      Maximum Timeout Enabled
      2 Hours 0 Minutes
      Idle Timeout Enabled
      1 Hours 0 Minutes
    Note: The maximum timeout and the idle timeout must be longer than the LTPA token timeout, which is defined in WebSphere® Application Server. The LTPA token timeout is set to 120 minutes by default.
  16. Install the Web Agent on HTTP Server:
    1. Download the latest version of the Web Agent from the CA website.
    2. Install the Web Agent. For instructions, go to the SiteMinder BookShelf.
    3. When you are prompted for the Agent Configuration details, specify the Agent Configuration Object that you created earlier.
  17. Install the Application Server Agent on your WebSphere® nodes:
    1. Download the latest version of the Application Server Agent from the CA website.
    2. Install the Application Server Agent on each node in your Connections deployment. For instructions, see the SiteMinder Agent for WebSphere® Agent Guide.
    3. When you are prompted for the Agent Configuration details, specify the Agent Configuration Object that you created earlier.
  18. Copy the smagent.properties file from the ASA installation conf folder to the WebSphere® Application Server profile properties folder; for example: C:\program files\IBM\websphere\appserver\profiles\appsvr01\properties.
  19. Configure Trust Association Interceptor on WebSphere® Application Server.
    1. From the administrative console for WebSphere® Application Server, click Security > Global security.
    2. Under Web and SIP security, click Trust association.
    3. Click Enable Trust Association and then click Save.
    4. Click Interceptors.
    5. Delete any unused interceptors.
      Note: Do not delete the OAuth interceptor.
    6. Click New and enter the following name for the new interceptor:


    7. Add the following custom property under Global Security > Custom properties: com.ibm.websphere.security.performTAIForUnprotectedURI=true.
    8. Click OK and then click Save.
      Note: Connections servers should be protected by both SM TAI and OAuth TAI. This is important for supporting the EE and Activities Stream features.
    9. Restart WebSphere® Application Server.
  20. Create rewrite rules that redirect URLs when users log out of Connections. Add the following rules to the httpd.conf file:

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(.*)/ibm_security_logout(.*)

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !=logoutExitPage=your_logout_url

    RewriteRule /(.*)/ibm_security_logout(.*)

    LogOffUri?logoutExitPage=your_logout_url [noescape,L,R]

    where LogOffUri is the URL that you uncommented earlier. After logging out of Connections, the user's browser is directed to your_logout_url. This URL could be your corporate home page or the SiteMinder login page.

    Note: You must add these rules to both the HTTP and HTTPS entries.

    The following example illustrates a typical portion of the httpd.conf file after you have implemented this step:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(.*)/ibm_security_logout(.*)
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !=logoutExitPage=http://corphome.example.com
    RewriteRule /(.*)/ibm_security_logout(.*)  /homepage/web/ibm_security_logout?logoutExitPage=http://corphome.example.com [noescape,L,R]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/blogs/roller-ui/rendering/(.*)
    RewriteRule ^/blogs/(.*)/feed/blogs/atom(.*) /blogs/roller-ui/rendering/feed/$1/blogs/atom/ [R,L]
    #Connections Config for SSL
    LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/mod_ibm_ssl.so
    <IfModule mod_ibm_ssl.c>
    <VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName connections.example.com
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(.*)/ibm_security_logout(.*)
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !=logoutExitPage=http://corphome.example.com
    RewriteRule /(.*)/ibm_security_logout(.*) /homepage/web/ibm_security_logout?logoutExitPage=http://corphome.example.com [noescape,L,R]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/blogs/roller-ui/rendering/(.*)
    RewriteRule ^/blogs/(.*)/feed/blogs/atom(.*) /blogs/roller-ui/rendering/feed/$1/blogs/atom/ [R,L]
    Note: Uncomment the LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so line in the httpd.conf file. This line is commented out by default. When the line is commented out, the web server will not start.
  21. Save and close the httpd.conf file, restart the HTTP server, and then make sure the SiteMinder page displays when users access the http server.
  22. Add a SiteMinder authenticator property to the Connections configuration by editing the LotusConnections-config.xml file.
    1. Use the following command to check out the configuration file:
      • execfile("app_server_root/profiles/DMGR/bin/connectionsConfig.py")

        Note: If you are prompted to specify which server to connect to, enter 1.


      • app_server_root is the WebSphere® Application Server installation directory
      • DMGR is the name of the Deployment Manager profile. For example: Dmgr01
      • working_directory is the temporary working directory to which the configuration XML and XSD files are copied while you edit them. Use forward slashes to separate directories in the file path, even if you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system.
      • cell_name is the name of the WebSphere® Application Server cell hosting the Connections application. This argument is case sensitive. If you do not know the cell name, execute the following command in the wsadmin client to determine it:
        • print AdminControl.getCell()

      For example:


    2. Update the custom authenticator values by running the following commands:
      1. Configure the custom authenticator to support server-to-server authentication for SiteMinder:



      2. Set the value of the custom.authenticator.cookieTimeout parameter to be equal to or less than the maximum timeout and idle timeout values that you configured earlier. Specify the timeout value in minutes.


        where timeout is a value in minutes that is less than or equal to the SiteMinder timeout values.

      Note: When your production environment is ready, set the AllowSelfSignedCerts parameter to false.
    3. Check the LotusConnections-config.xml file back in by running the following command:


  23. Restart your Connections deployment.
    1. Stop Connections servers, node agents, and deployment manager.
    2. Start the deployment manager and nodes.
    3. Allow time for the nodes to synchronize, and for the updated LotusConnections-config.xml file to be copied to each node.
    4. Start Connections.

What to do next

Advise your users to close all browser windows when they log out of Activities. This precaution avoids potential security problems that could arise because the SiteMinder session cookie in a browser window might still be updating while a user is logging out from a different browser window.