List of valid application.conf settings

A list of valid settings for the Tiny Editors application.conf.

Category Setting Description
CORS ephox.​allowed-origins.​origins A list of strings defining the domains allowed to communicate with the server-side editor features.
Attention: This setting must be configured correctly or the editor will not be able to communicate with the services.
Figure 1. Setting the origins for CORS
ephox {
  allowed-origins {
    origins = [
CORS ephox.​allowed-origins.​ignore-port This can be used to force port checking for CORS. By default any port is allowed.
Figure 2. Check the port for CORS
ephox {
  allowed-origins {
    ignore-port = false
Link-checking ephox.​link-checking.​cache.​capacity The maximum number of links stored in the cache at any one time.
Figure 4. Set stored link count to 500
ephox {
  link-checking.cache {
    capacity = 500
Link-checking ephox.​link-checking.​cache.​timeToLiveInSeconds The maximum time in seconds that a link is allowed to remain in the cache.
Figure 5. Set caching time to 1 day
ephox {
  link-checking.cache {
    timeToLiveInSeconds = 86400
Link-checking ephox.​link-checking.​cache.​timeToIdleInSeconds The maximum time in seconds that a link will remain in the cache since it was last requested.
Figure 6. Set idle time to 1 hour
ephox {
  link-checking.cache {
    timeToIdleInSeconds = 3600
Media-embed ephox.​embed.​enabled This enables or disables the Enhanced Media Embed Service.
Figure 7. Disabling the Enhanced Media Embed Service
ephox {
  embed.enabled = false
Media-embed ephox.​embed.​custom A list of oEmbed providers. Each provider entry has the following:
A URL where oEmbed requests are sent.
A list of URL patterns which the oEmbed provider supports.
Figure 8. Setup (partial) OEmbed handling for Youtube and Hulu
ephox {
  embed.custom =[
      endpoint = ""
      schemes = [
      endpoint = "",
      schemes = [
View the Sample application.conf for a more complete example.
Spell-checking ephox.​spelling.​custom-dictionaries-path Specify the path to custom dictionaries. A custom dictionary file must be a simple text file:
  • named with the language code in the filename like en.txt or en_gb.txt,
  • one word on each line,
  • either Windows-style or Linux-style line endings (CR or CR+LF)
  • no comments or blank lines, and
  • saved in UTF-8 encoding, with or without BOM (byte-order mark).
Figure 9. Set custom dictionary path
ephox {
  spelling {
    custom-dictionaries-path = "/opt/ephox/spelling/dictionary"
Spell-checking ephox.​spelling.​hunspell-dictionaries-path Specify the path to hunspell dictionaries. Tiny provides two bundles of dictionaries that can be downloaded: These bundles should be extracted into the folder specified by the hunspell-dictionaries-path.
Tip: When a hunspell dictionary is provided for a language it will be used instead of the built-in Wintertree dictionary.
Figure 10. Set hunspell dictionaries path
ephox {
  spelling {
    hunspell-dictionaries-path = "/opt/ephox/spelling/hunspell"
Spell-checking ephox.​spelling.​dynamic-custom-dictionaries When enabled custom dictionaries can be updated live.
Figure 11. Enable dynamic custom dictionaries
ephox {
  spelling {
    dynamic-custom-dictionaries = true
HTTP ephox.​http.​max-redirects The maximum number of redirects that will be followed to check a link or retrieve details from that resource.
Figure 12. Allow two redirects
ephox {
  http {
    max-redirects = 2
HTTP ephox.​http.​request-timeout-seconds The number of seconds to allow HTTP requests to take.
Figure 13. Time-out requests in 5 seconds
ephox {
  http {
    request-timeout-seconds = 5
Proxy ephox.​proxy.​http.​proxyHost A string defining the host name of the proxy for HTTP (unsecured) connections.
Figure 14. Set host of HTTP proxy
ephox {
  proxy {
    http.proxyHost = ""
Proxy ephox.​proxy.​http.​proxyPort An integer defining the port number of the proxy for HTTP (unsecured) connections.
Figure 15. Set port of HTTP proxy
ephox {
  proxy {
    http.proxyPort = 8080
Proxy ephox.​proxy.​https.​proxyHost A string defining the host name of the proxy for HTTPS connections.
Figure 16. Set host of HTTPS proxy
ephox {
  proxy {
    https.proxyHost = ""
Proxy ephox.​proxy.​https.​proxyPort An integer defining the port number of the proxy for HTTPS connections.
Figure 17. Set port of HTTPS proxy
ephox {
  proxy {
    https.proxyPort = 8443
Proxy ephox.​proxy.​http.​nonProxyHosts A list of strings separated by vertical lines ("|") listing hosts and domains to be excluded from proxying, for both plain HTTP and HTTPS connections. The strings can contain asterisks ("*") as wild cards. Defaults to "localhost|127.*|[::1]" if not set.
Figure 18. Disable proxy for localhost and
ephox {
  proxy {
    http.nonProxyHosts = "localhost|*"
Proxy ephox.​proxy.​http.​proxyUser User name for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy.
Figure 19. Set proxy user
ephox {
  proxy {
    http.proxyUser = "admin"
Proxy ephox.​proxy.​http.​proxyPassword Password for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy.
Figure 20. Set proxy password
ephox {
  proxy {
    http.proxyPassword = "hunter2"
Security ephox.​http.​websphere.​use-ssl-config Use a SSL configuration provided by WebSphere instead of the default JVM configuration.
Figure 21. Using WebSphere's SSL configuration
ephox {
  http {
    websphere {
      use-ssl-config = true
Security ephox.​http.​websphere.​ssl-config-name Choose which SSL configuration on WebSphere should be used.
Figure 22. Choosing SSL configuration by name
ephox {
  http {
    websphere {
      ssl-config-name = "TinyServicesSSLSettings"
Security ephox.​http.​trust-all-cert Bypass SSL security and indiscriminately trust all SSL certificates.
CAUTION: Bypassing SSL security allows man-in-the-middle attacks.
Figure 23. Bypassing SSL security
ephox {
  http {
    trust-all-cert = true