Configure access for the Tiny Editors Services through a HTTP proxy

Configure access for the Tiny Editors Services through a HTTP proxy for outgoing HTTP/HTTPS requests from the Tiny Editors Services.

Before you begin

Before you begin: Ensure that you have created an application.conf for the Tiny Editors Services in the correct directory.


  1. Using a text editor, open the Tiny Editors Services configuration file application.conf.
  2. Add a proxy element.

    Under the ephox root element, add a proxy element defining the proxy settings using the following attributes:

    Table 1. Proxy settings
    Attribute Required Description
    http.proxyHost Yes A string defining the host name of the proxy for HTTP (unsecured) connections.
    http.proxyPort Yes An integer defining the port number of the proxy for HTTP (unsecured) connections.
    https.proxyHost No A string defining the host name of the proxy for HTTPS connections.
    https.proxyPort No An integer defining the port number of the proxy for HTTPS connections.
    http.nonProxyHosts No A list of strings separated by vertical lines ("|") listing hosts and domains to be excluded from proxying, for HTTP and HTTPS connections. The strings can contain asterisks ("*") as wild cards. Defaults to "localhost|127.*|[::1]" if not set.
    http.proxyUser No User name for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy.
    http.proxyPassword No Password for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy.

    An example of proxy settings:

    ephox {
        proxy {
            http.proxyHost = someproxy.internal.corp
            http.proxyPort = 8080
            https.proxyHost = someproxy.internal.corp
            https.proxyPort = 8443
            http.nonProxyHosts = localhost|*.internal.corp
  3. Save your updates to application.conf.
  4. If the services have been deployed, stop and restart TinyEditorsServices to apply the configuration changes.