Payment events and task commands

Payment events correspond to order life cycle phases and task commands.

The following table shows the main order life cycle phases and the corresponding payment events and task commands.

Order life cycle phase Payment event Task command
Order Capture Prime Payment PrimePaymentCmd
Release to Fulfillment Reserve Payment ReservePaymentCmd
Shipment Confirmation Finalize Payment FinalizePaymentCmd

The payment actions that are run during the processing of each task command vary according to the payment methods involved and their matching Payment rules. For example, the payment actions defined for a credit card during order capture will probably be different from the payment actions defined for an electronic check during the same order capture event. Also, all stores do not process payments the same way. Some stores might not accept a particular brand of credit card, for example.

Task command Description
StoreAndValidatePaymentCmd Pre-order authorization (store payment information and validate it). By default, this task command creates am order (EDPOrder) when there is no payment related operation.
TriggerPaymentActionsCmd Triggering actions.
CancelOrderCmd Order cancellation.
EditCmd Edits (changes to payment amounts or payment methods, or late edits) EditCmd happens in two ways: by adding, removing, or updating payment information, and by the TriggerPaymentActionsCmd.
FinalizeRefundCmd Credit return merchandise authorization (RMA).
FinalizePaymentCmd Fulfillment (goods have shipped and shipment is confirmed).
PrimeRefundCmd Return merchandise authorization (RMA) capture.
PrimePaymentCmd Order capture (when the Buy button is clicked).
ReservePaymentCmd Release to fulfillment (goods are ready to ship).