Migrating IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 7 site security

Manually migrate your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 6 security configurations to HCL Commerce Version 9.


If you are using local authentication on the WebSphere Commerce Search server, ensure that the session key is synchronized between the WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Search servers. You must copy the new session key to the WebSphere Commerce Search server whenever it is changed on the WebSphere Commerce server.

It is highly recommended that you change the session key at the same time you change the merchant key. According to PCI specification, the merchant key should be changed at least annually.


  1. If you enabled AES encryption on your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 database and file system, migrate your encryption settings files to your HCL Commerce Version 9 production environment.
    1. Copy the following files from your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 production environment to the same location on your HCL Commerce Version 9 production environment:
      • WC_eardir/xml/config/BusinessAuditDataCapture.xml
      • WC_eardir/xml/config/FTP.xml
  2. If you used the Key Locator Framework (KLF) in IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7, migrate your key provider customizations. For more information about the KLF, see Key Locator Framework (KLF).
    1. Open your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 WC_eardir/xml/config/wc-server.xml file, and look for the KeysConfigFile parameter. This parameter points to a separate custom key configuration XML.
    2. Open your custom key XML file.
    3. The custom files that are referenced in this keys XML file must be copied to the same directories on your HCL Commerce Version 9 production environment, and then deployed through your CI/CD pipeline, which is covered in one of the last steps when you migrate your production environment.
  3. Migrate any other custom security files that were part of your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 production security solution by copying the files to your HCL Commerce Version 9 production environment.