HCL Commerce Version or later

Clases de consulta en el archivo query-api.jar

Se describen las clases que son útiles para personalizar las consultas.

Para obtener más información sobre las clases de proveedores, consulte Ampliación del servicio de consulta.

Esta clase incluida en query-api.jar actúa como apéndice. Puede hacer uso de funciones predeterminadas comunes para agregar, eliminar y actualizar datos de configuración del servidor de configuración de ZooKeeper. Puede utilizar las funciones proporcionadas en el apéndice para compilar código java personalizado. Cuando el paquete personalizado se despliega en el contenedor de consulta, la llamada desde el código personalizado ejecutará las funciones disponibles en la clase ayudante predeterminada para captar los datos de acuerdo con la implementación de la función. A continuación se muestra la clase de query-api.jar.
package com.hcl.commerce.search.internal.config;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
 * Licensed Materials - Property of HCL Technologies Limited. (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Limited 1996, 2020.
 * This class is a stub generated to enable users to use OOB class methods at runtime
public class ZkConfigService {
	 * This method is use call zk connector to add configuration data.
	 * @param test
	public Map<String, String> addConfigurationData(String nodeName, String jsonString, String locale, String envType) {
		//Empty stub method
		return null;
	 * This method is use call zk connector to update configuration data.
	 * @param test
	public Map<String, String> updateConfigurationData(String nodeName, String jsonString, String locale, String envType) {
		return null;
	 * This method is use to get the data from ZooKeeper node.
	 * @param nodePath
	 * @return
	public Object getNodeData(String nodeName, String locale, String envType) {
		return null;
	 * This method is use to get the data from ZooKeeper node.
	 * @param nodePath
	 * @return
	public List getNodeChilds(String nodePath) {
		return null;

Esta clase actúa como apéndice. Puede utilizar funciones comunes para recuperar información sobre la tienda que se utilizará en el código personalizado. Puede utilizar las funciones proporcionadas en el apéndice para compilar el código java personalizado. Cuando el paquete personalizado se despliega en el contenedor de consulta, la llamada desde el código personalizado ejecutará las funciones disponibles en la clase ayudante predeterminada para captar los datos.
package com.hcl.commerce.search.internal.util;

 * Licensed Materials - Property of HCL Technologies Limited. (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Limited 1996, 2020.
 * This class is a stub generated to enable users to use OOB class methods at runtime
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.hcl.commerce.search.expression.SearchCriteria;

 * <P>
 * This utility class will host utility methods used for stores and extended
 * sites.
 * </P>
public class StoreHelper {

	 * This method is used to get the store type for a given store id.
	 * @param storeId The store id.
	 * @return Array of StoreObject
	 * public static StoreObject[] getStorePath(String storeId, String langId)
	 * throws Exception { return null; }

	 * Need be cached finds the store's default contract
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the STORE table
	 * @return The default contract for the store
	public static String getDefaultContract(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * Returns checkEntitlement flag for the profile.
	 * @param iSearchCriteria Java representation of XPath expression
	 * @param profileName     The name of the profile.
	 * @param storeId         The store id which to determine entitlement flag.
	 * @return checkEntitlement
	public static String getCheckEntitlementFlag(SearchCriteria searchCriteria, String profileName, String storeId,
			String langId) {
		return "";

	 * @param storeId the store id
	 * @return the default catalog id.
	 * @throws Exception Exception is thrown when there is problem to get the
	 *                   default catalog id.
	public static String getDefaultCatalogId(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * finds the Online Store Default Fulfillment Center Identifier based on the
	 * STORE index
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the STORE table
	 * @return The default fulfillment center Id of the specified online store id
	 * @throws SearchApplicationException
	public static Integer getStoreDefaultFulfillmentCenterId(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return null;

	 * This method checks if a feature is enabled.
	 * @param storeent_id
	 * @param relType
	 * @param name
	 * @return
	public static String getStoreConfigurationByRelTypeAndConfigName(String storeent_id, String relType, String name,
			String langId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * The method is used to get validated contract as Long List, if contractId were
	 * passed in the url, then validate those contract with db, and only when the
	 * specified contract list are belongs to the contracts which retrieved from db,
	 * the validation is passed, otherwise if contractId were not specified, use
	 * default contract
	 * @param strUserId
	 * @param strStoreId
	 * @param specifiedContractIdsAsList
	 * @return contractIds validatedContractIds as ArrayList<Long>
	 * @throws Exception
	public static ArrayList<String> getUsableContractAsList(String strUserId, String strStoreId,
			List<String> specifiedContractIdsAsList, SearchCriteria searchCriteria) throws Exception {
		return new ArrayList<String>();

	 * Returns priceMode flag for the search profile then from store
	 * @param profileName The name of the profile.
	 * @param storeId     The store id which to determine price mode
	 * @return priceMode
	public static String getPriceMode(String profileName, String storeId, String langId) {
		return "";

	 * Returns compatiblePrice mode in storeconf table
	 * wc.search.priceMode.compatiblePriceIndex=1.0 means contracted price index
	 * wc.search.priceMode.compatiblePriceIndex=1.1 means old standard offer price
	 * index
	 * @param storeId The store id which to determine compatiblePrice flag.
	 * @return compatiblePriceIndexMode
	public static String getCompatiblePriceIndexMode(String storeId) {
		return "";

	 * Returns the qualified image path with store prefix of the given store. If the
	 * input image path is relative path, attach the store prefix to it and return.
	 * If the input image path is fully qualified URL (started with 'http'), do
	 * nothing, just return the input image path back.
	 * @param imagePath     the input image path
	 * @param storeId       the Store id
	 * @param isPreviewMode true if in preview mode
	 * @return the qualified image path with store prefix if the image path is not a
	 *         fully qualified URL.
	public static String getQualifiedImagePath(String imagePath, String storeId, boolean isPreviewMode, String langId)
			throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * Returns the qualified image path with store prefix of the given store. If the
	 * input image path is relative path, attach the store prefix to it and return.
	 * If the input image path is either a fully qualified URL (started with 'http')
	 * or matches any one of the business defined uri prefixes, just return the
	 * input image path back.
	 * @param imagePath          the input image path
	 * @param storeId            the Store id
	 * @param isPreviewMode      true if in preview mode
	 * @param aSelectionCriteria selectionCriteria
	 * @return the qualified image path with store prefix if the image path is not a
	 *         fully qualified URL or match predefined uri prefix.
	public static String getQualifiedImagePath(String imagePath, String storeId, boolean isPreviewMode,
			SearchCriteria aSearchCriteria) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * Returns the store preview URL prefix of the given store. For example,
	 * '/webapp/wcs/preview/Aurora/' or '/webapp/remote/preview/Aurora/' or
	 * @param storeId Store identifier
	 * @return the store preview URL prefix
	public static String getStorePreviewURLPrefix(String storeId, String langId) {
		return "";

	 * Returns the store URL prefix of the given store. For example,
	 * '/wcsstore/Aurora/'.
	 * @param storeId Store identifier
	 * @return the store URL prefix
	public static String getStoreURLPrefix(String storeId, String langId) {
		return "";

	public static String getStoreConfigurationPropertyValueByName(String storeId, String propertyName, String langId)
			throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * retrieves the uri list specified in the wc-component.xml file
	 * @param aSelectionCriteria
	 * @return the business defined uri prefix, e.g. http, //
	private static String getUriPrefix(SearchCriteria aSearchCriteria) {
		return "";

	private static String convertImagePathToLowerCase(String imagePath) {
		return "";

	 * Decides if the path passed in starts with any one of the uri prefixes
	 * (commaSeparatedString) defined in the wc-component.xml
	 * @param commaSeparatedString : this is the comma separated string, containing
	 *                             a list of defined uri prefixes
	 * @param valToBeSearched      : the value you want to be searched for a match
	 *                             using the elements inside commaSeparatedString
	 * @return a boolean
	private static boolean pathStartWithUriPreFix(String commaSeparatedString, String valToBeSearched) {
		return false;

	 * This method is use to get the store master catalog.
	 * @param storeId
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	public static String getMasterCatalogIdByStoreId(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * This method is use to get the catalog inventory system.
	 * @param masterCatalogId
	 * @return
	public static Integer getMasterCatalogInventorySystem(String masterCatalogId) {
		return null;

	 * Gets the store's default language id
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the store index
	 * @return The default language for the store
	public static String getDefaultLanguageId(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * Return the list of supported currencies for store.
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the store index
	 * @return The supported currencies for store
	public static List<Object> getStoreSupportedCurrnecies(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return new ArrayList<Object>();

	 * Return the languageId based on locale for store.
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the store index.
	 * @param locale  the locale name
	 * @return the languageId.
	public static List<Object> getStoreSupportedCatalog(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return new ArrayList<Object>();

	 * Return the locale name based on language id for store.
	 * @param storeId    the facing store identifier based on the store index.
	 * @param languageId the languageId
	 * @return the locale name.
	public static String getLocaleNameByLanguageId(String storeId, String languageId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * Return the languageId based on locale for store.
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the store index.
	 * @param locale  the locale name
	 * @return the languageId.
	public static String getLanguageIdByLocaleName(String storeId, String locale, String langId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	 * Return the languageId based on locale for store.
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the store index.
	 * @param locale  the locale name
	 * @return the languageId.
	public static Map<String, String> getLanguages(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return new HashMap<String, String>();

	 * After buyer contract were retrieved from db, filter out by starttime and
	 * endtime.
	 * @param strUserId
	 * @param strStoreId
	 * @return ArrayList
	public static ArrayList<Long> getEligibleBuyerContractFromDB(String strUserId, String strStoreId) {
		return new ArrayList<Long>();

	 * Return string value of the given field name in the current in-memory result
	 * set
	 * @param fieldName
	 * @return
	private static String getColumnAsString(Object[] record, int fieldLocation) {
		return "";

	 * Need be cached finds the store's default contract
	 * @param storeId the facing store identifier based on the STORE table
	 * @return The default contract for the store
	public static String getStoreType(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return "";

	public static List<Object> getBaseContract(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return new ArrayList<Object>();

	public static List<Long> getActiveOrganizationId(Long userId) {
		return null;

	public static boolean isMemberOf(Long userId, Long mbrgrpId, Long orgId) {
		return false;

	 * Returns the qualified attachment path with store directory of the given store
	 * as prefix. If the input path is relative path, attach the store directory as
	 * prefix to it and return. If the input path is fully qualified URL (started
	 * with 'http'), do nothing, just return the input path back.
	 * @param attachmentPath the input attachment Asset path
	 * @param storeId
	 * @param langId
	 * @return qualified attachment path with store directory prefix
	public static String getQualifiedAttachmentPath(String attachmentPath, String storeId, String langId) {
		return "";

	 * This method returns store directory using store id. For example: For store id
	 * 1, method returns ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore
	 * @param storeId Store Identifier
	 * @param langId
	 * @return store Directroy
	public static String getStoreDirectory(String storeId, String langId) {
		return "";

	public static HashMap<String, Object> getStoreFeatures(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return new HashMap<String, Object>();

	public static boolean isDeepSearchEnabled(String storeId, String langId) throws Exception {
		return false;

	 * This method checks if the store image path already have prefix added in url
	 * @param imagePath the input imagePath
	 * @param storeId   Store Identifier
	 * @param langId
	 * @return true/false
	public static boolean isImagePathWithPrefix(String imagePath, String storeId, String langId) {
		return false;