Deprecated feature

StoreCatalogDisplay URL

This URL redirects to the TopCategoryDisplay page.

URL structure

http:// host_name/path/
The fully qualified name of your Transaction server and the configuration path.

Parameter values

Sets or resets the preferred language for the duration of the session. The supported languages for a store are found in the STORELANG table.
Required: The reference number of the store associated with the catalogs.


This example displays a store's catalog list:



This URL can be used as the first page of a shopping flow to display the catalogs of a given store, then proceeds to TopCategoriesDisplay, which displays the root categories of a given catalog, then finally to CategoryDisplay, which displays a category within a given catalog.

  • Launches the StoreCatalogDisplayView command.
  • The default behavior is to display all the catalogs in the store.
  • Maps to the StoreCatalogDisplayCmd interface.

Exception Conditions
