Stores prices of components within a dynamic kit. This table is not used with the Sterling Configurator dynamic kit integration provided with HCL Commerce Feature Pack 3.

Column Descriptions:

DKOFFER_IDBIGINT NOT NULLGenerated unique key.
TRADEPOSCN_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe TradingPositionContainer to which this dynamic kit offer belongs.
KIT_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe dynamic kit CatalogEntry offered for sale.
CATENTRY_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe component CatalogEntry within the dynamic kit offered for sale.
CURRENCYCHAR (3) NOT NULLThe currency of the price. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards.
IDENTIFIERBIGINTA number that uniquely identifies this Offer along with its specified CatalogEntry and TradingPositionContainer.
PRICEDECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULLPrice of the component within the dynamic kit.
STARTDATETIMESTAMPThe start of the time range during which this offer is effective.
ENDDATETIMESTAMPThe end of the time range during which this offer is effective.
MINIMUMQUANTITYDOUBLEThe minimum quantity that can be purchased in a single Order under this offer.
MAXIMUMQUANTITYDOUBLEThe maximum quantity that can be purchased in a single Order under this offer.
PRECEDENCEDOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0When more than one Offer is effective at a particular time, the one with the highest PRECEDENCE is used.
PUBLISHEDINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1Describes whether or not the offer has been published as follows: 0 = not published (temporarily disabled). 1 = published. 2 = marked for deletion (and not published).
FIELD1CHAR (30)Customizable.
FIELD2CHAR (1)Customizable.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000903KIT_IDNon-Unique Index
I0000904CATENTRY_IDNon-Unique Index
I0000905CURRENCYNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType