Default access control policy groups

The default access control policy groups that are shipped with HCL Commerce are the following:
Management and Administration Policy Group
This policy group contains all the member management and store administration policies.
Guest Shopper Management Policy Group
This policy group contains all the policies that are related to guest shopper management.
Common Shopping Policy Group
This policy group contains all the shopping-related policies that are common to both B2C and B2B examples.
B2C Policy Group
This policy group contains all the B2C specific shopping policies.
B2B Policy Group
This policy group contains all the B2B specific shopping policies.

During instance creation, HCL Commerce loads the default access control policy groups from the bootstrap file, utilities_root/xml/policies/xml/defaultAccessControlPolicies.xml.

Note: The Management and Administration Policy Group is the core policy group that should typically apply to all organizations. Whenever an organization subscribes to any policy group, this policy group should also be subscribed. For an organization that owns a store, depending on the type of the store, in addition to the Management and Administration Policy Group, it should also subscribe to Common Shopping Policy Group, B2C Policy Group and B2B Policy Group. The Guest Shopper Management Policy Group should only be subscribed by the organization that owns guest customers, which is the Default Organization in a common example.