Starting the Customization server Docker container by retrieving parameters from container environment variables

Learn about how to start the Customization server Docker container by specifying CONFIGURE_MODE=EnvVariables.

Mandatory environment variables

These are the mandatory environment variables that you must specify to configure the Customization server Docker container.

Parameter name Value
TX_HOST The Transaction server hostname.
SEARCH_HOST The Search server hostname.
SPIUSER_NAME Your SPIUSER name. The default value is spiuser.
SPIUSER_PWD The encrypted password for the spiuser. For more information, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.

Optional environment variables

These are the optional environment variables that you can specify to configure the Customization server Docker container.

Parameter name Value
TRACE_SPEC Sets trace specifications. For more information about trace, see Trace components.
TX_PORT The Transaction server port. The default value is 5443.
SEARCH_PORT The Search server port. The default value is 3738.
HEALTH_CENTER_ENABLED Specify whether Health Center is enabled. Accepted values are true and false.

The default value is false.

Specify if you want to enable metrics for the commerce environment.

Code example

docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept  \
    -e CONFIGURE_MODE=EnvVariables
    -e TX_HOST=<Transaction server hostname, default port is 5443> \
    -e SEARCH_HOST=<specify search server hostname, default port is 3738> \
    <Customization Docker image>