Starting the Transaction server Docker container by retrieving parameters from container environment variables

Learn about how to start Transaction server Docker container by specifying CONFIGURE_MODE=EnvVariables.

Mandatory environment variables

These are the mandatory environment variables that you must specify to configure the Transaction server Docker container.

Note: The database parameters are mandatory when you are not using the default configurations. If you point to a different database, you must specify all database-related parameters.
Parameter name Value
Note: If you need to point to a different database, you must specify all database-related parameters.
The database hostname.
DBNAME The name of the database.
DBUSER The database user name.
DBPASS The database user password, which is used to connect the database to the application server.
DBPORT The database port.
DBAUSER The user name of the database administrator.
DBAPASSENCRYPT The encrypted password of the database administrator.
DBPASSENCRYPT The encrypted password of the database user, which is used to update the wc-server.xml file.
MERCHANTKEY_ENCRYPT The encrypted merchant key that was created when you or an administrator loaded the WebSphere Commerce database schema. For more information, see Loading the HCL Commerce database schema.
SPIUSER_NAME Your SPIUSER name. The default value is spiuser.
SPIUSER_PWD The encrypted password for the spiuser. For more information, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.
STOREWEB_HOST A unique hostname for use with the Management Center Store preview feature.
SEARCH_HOST The Search server hostname.
  • For Solr-based search, this is the Search Master hostname.
  • For Elasticsearch-based search, this is the Commerce query hostname.
STORE_HOST Store server hostname. The default port is 8443.
XC_HOST Customization server hostname. The default port is 9443.
SEARCH_REPEATER_HOST The Search Repeater hostname for live environments.
Note: This is only required when the environment type is live.

Optional environment variables

These are the optional environment variables that you can specify to configure the Transaction server Docker container.

Parameter name Value
DOMAIN_NAME The internal service domain name. The default value is : default.svc.cluster.local. If the deployed environment is on a special namespace on Kubernetes, the domain name should be .svc.cluster.local.
DBHOST_LIVE The database host name in the live environment.
DBNAME_LIVE The name of the database in the live environment.
DBPASS_LIVE The database user password in the live environment.
DBPORT_LIVE The database port in the live environment.
DBUSER_LIVE The database user name in the live environment.
LOCALSTOREWEB The web server host name of a local store if you migrated from HCL Commerce Version 7 or Version 8.
adminPassword The password for user configadmin, which is used to access the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
TRACE_SPEC Sets trace specifications. For more information about trace, see Trace components.
KAFKA_SERVERS The Kafka server. Works with ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS if you want to configure the container to catch validation.
Note: The KAFKA_SERVERS, ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS, and KAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX parameters must be provided together.
ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS Works with KAFKA_SERVERS, if you want to configure the container to catch validation.
KAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX This parameter is used to compose the queue name for the cache invalidation.
HEALTH_CENTER_ENABLED Specify whether Health Center is enabled. Accepted values are true and false.

The default value is false.

SESSION_KEY_ENCRYPT The encrypted session key.
SEARCH_PORT Self-defined Search server port.
  • For Solr-based search, the default value is 3738.
  • For Elasticsearch-based search, the default value is 30901.
STORE_PORT Self-defined store server port. The default value is 8443.
STOREWEB_PORT Self-defined store web server port. The default value is 443.
XC_PORT Self-defined Customization server port. The default value is 9443.
ENVTYPE The environment type. Accepted values are auth and live.
Note: If you set this parameter to live, you must also pass the SEARCH_REPEATER_HOST parameter.

Code example

docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept  \
    -e CONFIGURE_MODE=EnvVariables
    -e MERCHANTKEY_ENCRYPT=<encrypted merchantkey that you encrypted with> \
    -e SPIUSER_NAME=<your spiuser-name> \
    -e SPIUSER_PWD=<your spiuser password that you encrypted with> \
    -e DBHOST=<db hostname> \
    -e DBNAME=<db instance name> \
    -e DBPASS=<db user password> \
    -e DBPORT=<db port> \
    -e DBUSER=<db user> \
    -e STOREWEB_HOST=<Store server hostname for Store preview that can be accessed from your browser. Default port is 443> \
    -e STORE_HOST=<store server hostname, default port is 8443> \
    -e SEARCH_HOST=<search master server hostname, default port is 3738>\
    -e XC_HOST=<search server hostname, default port is 3738>\
    <Transaction Docker image>