Troubleshooting: 401 errors with a newly created extended site store

401 errors can occur when using a newly created E-site store based off of the Aurora and Emerald stores.These errors can be resolved by updating the PolGrpRegistry directory.


After creating a new E-site, a 401 error can be observed under the following circumstances:
  • When the Aurora storefront is launched, a blank page is returned, and the following error message is logged.
    00000d04 CommerceSrvr E AccManager isAllowed CMN1501E: User -1002 does not have the authority to perform action "GetPageDesign.IBM_Store_Details"
  • When a product is added to the cart on a storefront based on the Emerald reference store, the following error message is displayed.
    The user does not have the authority to run this command ""


Perform the following steps in Management Center for HCL Commerce to resolve this error.
  1. Go to System Administrator > Registries.
  2. Enter Access Control Policy Groups in Search bar.
  3. Click Update registry.
The errors no longer occur.