Participant and organization modeling structure

Before you use the sample data to test your HCL Commerce integration with Sterling Order Management, review the preconfigured participant and organization modeling structure to determine whether the structure meets your particular business needs.

If the provided modeling structure meets your business needs, use the sample configuration to test your integration. However, if the modeling structure does not meet your business needs exactly, customize the sample data before you test your integration.

The sample data provides two preconfigured enterprises, Aurora-Corp and Aurora. These enterprises control and enforce business rules and document flow of all subsidiaries, which include 4 warehouses and 10 stores. Aurora is a seller organization and a pricing organization. It maintains its own inventory and is the inventory organization for Aurora-Corp. Aurora defines seller attributes, payment rules, and pricing rules for the sample Aurora stores.

Aurora-Corp is the catalog organization of Aurora. Both Aurora-Corp and Aurora map to the HCL Commerce sample extended site store, such as AuroraESite.

Mappings between the sample data and the HCL Commerce sample extended site store are defined in <INSTALL_DIR>/properties/AuroraValueMaps.xml.sample.

Warehouses map to the HCL Commerce sample FFMCENTERS. Stores map to the HCL Commerce sample stores. Table 1 shows the warehouse mappings and Table 2 shows the store mappings.
Note: You can map to existing FFMCENTERS or use HCL Commerce Accelerator to manually create your own ffmcenter, such as Aurora Warehouse - West.
Table 1. Warehouse to ffmcenter mappings
Warehouse ffmcenter
Aurora_WH1 AuroraESite
Aurora_WH2 Aurora Warehouse - West
Aurora_WH3 Jacksonville Warehouse
Aurora_WH4 Miami Warehouse
Table 2. Store mappings
Organization Code in Sterling Order Management Store in HCL Commerce
Auro_Store_1 Aurora - Boston
Auro_Store_2 Aurora - Burlington
Auro_Store_3 Aurora - San Francisco
Auro_Store_4 Jacksonville Mall
Auro_Store_5 Jacksonville Center
Auro_Store_6 Jacksonville Square
Auro_Store_7 Jacksonville Outlet
Auro_Store_8 Miami Mall
Auro_Store_9 Miami Center
Auro_Store_10 Miami Square
Mappings of the Aurora stores and warehouses are provided in the AuroraValueMaps.xml.sample file as part of sample data, as shown:
<mm:Entry key="AuroraESite">Aurora_WH1</mm:Entry> 
		<mm:Entry key="Jacksonville Mall">Auro_Store_4</mm:Entry> 
		<mm:Entry key="Jacksonville Center">Auro_Store_5</mm:Entry> 
		<mm:Entry key="Jacksonville Square">Auro_Store_6</mm:Entry> 
		<mm:Entry key="Jacksonville Outlet">Auro_Store_7</mm:Entry> 
		<mm:Entry key="Miami Mall">Auro_Store_8</mm:Entry> 
		<mm:Entry key="Miami Center">Auro_Store_9</mm:Entry> 
		<mm:Entry key="Miami Square">Auro_Store_10</mm:Entry>