Repository structure for building Transaction server (ts) packages

To configure the build properties for a Transaction server package,, consider the following relevant configurations that you need to complete. The values in the following name-value pairs are the folders in your workspace. These properties determine which assets to package.

  • ejb.module.list=WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData
  • java.module.list=WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic
  • web.module.list=CommerceAccelerator
  • ear.dir.includes=lib/**,properties/**,xml/**
Based on these properties, the following table illustrates what is packaged into the output ZIP file when you build for the Transaction server.
Build process takes these folders from the workspace Packages to these folders in the output ZIP file Description
WC Code/ts-app/ EAR project
WC/lib Code/ts-app/lib/
  • Third party java libraries
  • Any JAR files under this path will be copied to ts.ear/lib in the Transaction server Docker image.
WC/properties Code/ts-app/properties/
  • Any properties files under this path will be copied to ts.ear/properties in the Transaction server Docker image.
WC/xml Code/ts-app/xml/
  • Any configuration files under this path will be copied to ts.ear/xml in the Transaction server Docker image.
WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData Code/ts-app/ejb/WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData.jar
  • EJB extensions project
  • Will invoke wsadmin scripts to update the EJB model for WebSphereCommerceExtensionData.jar
WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic Code/ts-app/WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic.jar
  • Java extensions project, src, and configFiles.
  • Will be copied to relative path under ts.ear in the Transaction server Docker image.
CommerceAccelerator Code/ts-app/CommerceAccelerator.war
  • Custom assets for HCL Commerce Accelerator: only modified files should be present.
  • Will copy and replace any existing files under the WAR folder in the Transaction server Docker image.
  • This folder does not exist in the default HCL Commerce Build transaction server package. The build and deployment process is designed to support the use of the folder as an interface for your extensions.
  • If you want to import your own certificates, you must implement HCL Commerce Build logic to create this folder and to include your certificate JSON file into this folder within a custom package. For more information, see Managing certificates manually.
  • Similar to the Certs folder, the DeployScripts folder does not exist in the default HCL Commerce Build transaction server package. The build and deployment process is designed to support the use of the folder as a potential extension point for you to customize the deployment process.
  • If you want to extend the default deployment process with your own custom code logic, you need to implement HCL Commerce Build logic to create the folder and to place your custom shell scripts within the folder. Your custom shell scripts within the folder must be named as
  • The default logic to apply changes detects whether there are any scripts within the folder. If found, the scripts are run to process any of your custom deployment logic. The default logic to apply changes is defined within the /SETUP/bin/ file for reference.