HCL Commerce Version

Troubleshooting: Predefined dynamic kit list widget does not display in the dynamic kit display page

After integrating your storefront with the Omni-Configurator, it is possible that the predefined dynamic kit list widget does not display in your dynamic kit display page.


To resolve this issue, add the predefined dynamic kit list widget to the DefaultDynamicKitPageLayout.

  1. Retrieve the following IDs from your database.
    The new primary key for your new widget, which can be found in the PLWIDGET table. This can be any new value, as long as it does not exist in the current table.
    The parent widget ID for your DefaultDynamicKitPageLayout, which can be found in the PLWIDGET table with the widget admin name: ProductPageContainer.
    The page layout ID for your DefaultDynamicKitPageLayout, which can be found in the PAGELAYOUT table.
    The store ID of your AuroraStorefrontAssetStore, which can be found in the STORE table.
    Note: You can use the data extract utility to retrieve the required layout ID. For more information about the extract utility, see Extracting Commerce Composer data with the Data Extract utility.
  2. By using the IDs you just retrieved, run the following SQL statements.
    Creates the predefined dynamic kit list widget for DefaultDynamicKitPageLayout:
    insert into plwidget values (plwidget_id, defaultdynamickitpagelayout_id, -3032, 'PDKListWidget', '8', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
    Adds the predefined dynamic kit list widget as a child widget under the parent container widget:
    insert into plwidgetrel values (plwidget_id_parent, plwidget_id,1.0, 1);
    Adds the predefined dynamic kit list widget as an available widget for your AuroraStorefrontAssetStore:
    insert into plstorewidget values (plwidget_id, aurorastorefrontassetstore_id, -3032, 1, NULL,1);