WebSphere Commerce Developer

Retrieving SEO substitution parameters for populating the Management Center UI

A substitution parameter is SEO-generated content consisting of the desktop URL keyword, page title, meta description and image alt text. After a product is created, saved and Management Center is refreshed, the substitution parameters for the product will appear in the Search Engine Optimization tab on the product page.

The SEOConfigurationRegistry is used to retrieve substitution parameters. The service returns the following substitution parameters based on the store ID specified:

  • All the substitution parameters defined for the specific store.
  • All the substitution parameters defined for the related stores. The store relationship used here is com.ibm.commerce.view.
  • All the substitution parameters defined for the site.

Because the substitution parameters are not changed frequently, a new registry is created to cache the substitution parameter entries on server startup. The registry also allows developers to add new substitution parameters or change the implementation of a substitution parameter without restarting the server. The class name for the registry is SEOConfigurationRegistry. The registry supports two main methods:

  • getAllSubstitutionParametersApplicableForStore(Integer storeId): This method retrieves all the substitution parameters applicable for the store. This method is mainly used by the configuration service to return the parameters applicable.
  • getSubstitutionParameterEntryByNameAndStore(String paramName, Integer StoreId): This method returns the substitution parameter entry given the parameter name and the store. It is mainly used by the helper class which parses the templates to find the appropriate implementation class for the parameter name and store Id combination.